SSO Connector for Bamboo and Crowd

The miniOrange Crowd SSO connector expands the SAML SSO functionality from Crowd to its connected Atlassian applications.The Bamboo Crowd SSO Connector allows users to enable SAML Authentication from any SAML compliant Identity Provider(IDP), where SAML SSO requests and responses to and from IDP will pass via the Crowd server. The IDP will perform user authentication while user permissions can still be controlled using Crowd.

You can refer the steps to configure Crowd connector from the video or documentation given below

Download And Installation

  • Log into your Bamboo instance as an admin.
  • Navigate to the settings menu and Click Manage Apps.
  • Click Find new apps or Find new add-ons from the left-hand side of the page.
  • Locate SSO connector for Crowd and Bamboo via search.
  • Click Try free to begin a new trial or Buy now to purchase a license of SSO connector for Crowd and Bamboo.
  • Enter your information and click Generate license when redirected to MyAtlassian.
  • Click Apply license.
  • SAML Single Sign On (SSO) Connector for Crowd and Bamboo, Install Bamboo Add-On through manage apps menu

Plugin Configuration

  • To configure the plugin, firstly configure Crowd SAML Single Sign-On (SSO) plugin for your Identity Provider as mentioned in the steps.
  • Now, Enable Crowd SSO for your Bamboo instance.
  • You can find the steps to integrate your Crowd server with your Bamboo instance here .

    1. Edit Bamboo's file

    Configure the Bamboo application's properties to determine how Crowd will interact with Bamboo.

    1. Edit found in BAMBOO/webapp/WEB-INF/classes (Bamboo 3.1 and earlier) or $BAMBOO_HOME/xml-data/configuration(Bamboo 3.2 or later). Change the following properties:



      The and application.password must match the Name and Password that you specified when defining the application in Crowd.


      The and application.password must match the Name and Password that you specified when defining the application in Crowd.


      If your Crowd server's port is configured differently from the default (8095), set it accordingly.


      Set to 0, if you want authentication checks to occur on each request. Otherwise set to the number of minutes between requests to validate if the user is logged in or out of the Crowd SSO server. Setting this value to 1 or higher will increase the performance of Crowd's integration.

    2. Configure Bamboo to use Crowd's Authenticator

    1. Edit the atlassian-user.xml file (found in BAMBOO/webapp/WEB-INF/classes (Bamboo 3.1 and earlier) or $BAMBOO_HOME/xml-data/configuration(Bamboo 3.2 or later)) so that the contents of the file is:

                              <crowd key="crowd" name="Crowd Repository"/>

    3 Enable Single Sign-On

    1. To enable single sign-on (SSO), you will configure Bamboo's authentication and access request calls to use Seraph. To configure Seraph-based authentication:

      • Edit the \BAMBOO\webapp\WEB-INF\classes\seraph-config.xml
      • Comment out the authenticator node :

      <!--<authenticator class="com.atlassian.bamboo.user.authentication.BambooAuthenticator"/>-->

      Please, uncomment the authenticator "com.atlassian.crowd.integration.seraph.v25.BambooAuthenticator":

      <!--<If you're authenticating against a Crowd server you can use this authenticator for single sign-on.
      Enable it after configuring your Crowd properties through user management and restart Bamboo. 
      It does not support Crowd property changes at runtime. If you need to switch back to local users,
      revert the change and restart Bamboo again.>-->
      <!--<authenticator class="com.atlassian.crowd.integration.seraph.v25.BambooAuthenticator"/>-->

      Bamboo's authentication and access request calls will now be performed using Seraph.

  • Go to SSO Configuration tab of Bamboo-Crowd Connector plugin.
  • Enter Crowd Base URL and click on Save.
  • SAML Single Sign On (SSO) Connector for Crowd and Bamboo, Crowd Base URL
  • Now, all the IdPs are listed that you have configured with SAML SSO Crowd plugin.
  • Button Enable SSO is provided for every individual IdP. You can enable SSO for specific IdPs with the help of buttons.
  • SAML Single Sign On (SSO) Connector for Crowd and Bamboo, Identity Providers

SSO Redirection

  • If you have only one IDP configured, then you can use the features provided on the SSO Redirection tab and Redirection Rules tab of the plugin to manage the redirection on the login page.
  • Enable the Auto Redirect to IDP option on the SSO Redirection tab if you want to allow users to log in only using IDP.
  • Use the Emergency/Backdoor Login URL to allow all admins to access the Bamboo's default login page and log in using Crowd credentials.
  • Use the settings given on Redirection Rules tab to redirect the users on login page based on their email domains, groups and directories. This feature is more useful in case you have multiple IDPs configured. Please refer to the next section.
  • SAML Single Sign On (SSO) Connector for Crowd and Bamboo, SSO Redirection

Managing SSO with multiple IDPs

  • If you have multiple IDPs configured, you can choose how you want your end users to use these IDPs to perform SSO.
  • For example you can show the buttons for the different IDPs configured on the login page nad let the users decide which IDP to use for SSO.
  • Or you could force certain users to use a specific IDP based on the domain of their username/email.
  • You will be able to configure these rules in the Redirection Rules section, under the Redirection Rules tab.
  • By default one rule is always configured that will be applicable to all the users, irrespective of their user domains.
  • For instance, if you want to display the login page with SSO buttons for each of the IDPs then your Default Rule will be as follows :
  • SAML Single Sign On (SSO) Connector for Crowd and Bamboo, default redirection rule
  • Based on the default rule mentioned above, the login form will contain buttons for each IDP. The users will be free to choose whichever IDP they want to use to initiate SSO.
  • SAML Single Sign On (SSO) Connector for Crowd and Bamboo, default redirection rule login page
  • You can also configure a rule so that your users will automatically be redirected to an IDP based on their email domains.
  • For example, if you want users with as domain to be redirected to IDP 1 you can add a rule by :

    1. Click on the Add Rule button in the Redirection Rules. tab
    2. Enter a name for your rule in Rule Name
    3. In the IF statement select Email Domain in the first drop-down.
    4. For the same statement select equals in the second drop-down.
    5. In the last field of the IF statement, enter the email domain( for the purpose of this example)
    6. In the Then Redirect To drop-down, select the IDP you want the users with to be redirected to(IDP 1 in this case)
    7. Click on Save
    8. SAML Single Sign On (SSO) Connector for Crowd and Bamboo, example rule
  • When a rule such as an example given above is configured, a login form will be displayed to the users where they will have to input their email address.
  • SAML Single Sign On (SSO) Connector for Crowd and Bamboo, Domain mapping form

Customize your login page

  • Go to the Look and Feel tab of the plugin.
  • Here, you can design your own login template that will be used to initiate SSO. This will display your customized login page instead of application's default login page.
  • SAML Single Sign On (SSO) Connector for Crowd and Bamboo, Custom Login page

Crowd Troubleshooting

If you encounter any difficulties while setting up miniOrange Crowd add-ons, please refer to this Crowd troubleshooting page for assistance.

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