Bulk User Management Documentation

Comprehensive Bulk User Management Setup Guides to Get Started

Bulk User Management Video Guides

App Resources: Explore Blogs and Handbooks

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Does bulk user management offer auto-deactivation of inactive users?

    Yes, Bulk User Management offers the feature of setting up auto-deactivation of inactive users. The days after which the users should be deactivated can be declared. An email can also be sent to the inactive users before deactivating them in which a custom email subject and template can be given.

  • Is it possible to reactivate a user who has been auto-deactivated on their   next login?

    Yes, it is possible to reactivate a user who has been auto-deactivated on their next login.

    1. Go to the "Activate/Deactivate Users" tab in Bulk UserManagement Plugin.

    2. Enable the "Reactive Users" option. Enabling "Reactive Users" will automatically reactivate the deactivated users after a successful login.

  • Can I remove the license group or application access to save the license   cost from the user instead of deactivating the user?

    Yes, you can automatically remove the license group or application access using the Bulk User Management Plugin to save on license costs instead of deactivating the user.

    1. Go to the "Activate/Deactivate Users" tab in the Bulk User Management Plugin.
    2. In the Auto-deactivate section, enable "Revoke application access from Inactive users".
    3. Select the license groups to be removed from users.
    4. Set the timing for the scheduler and save the settings.

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