Custom profile attributes and LDAP sync for Confluence

User profiles can be enhanced with Custom profile attributes and LDAP sync, giving the ability to add additional attributes and make user profiles more personalized. Furthermore, LDAP sync is supported to keep attributes synchronized.

This guide will walk you through the process of configuring additional profile attributes in Confluence. By the end of this guide, you will be able to add more attributes to user profiles.


    To configure Custom profile attributes and LDAP sync for Confluence, you need the following items:

  • Confluence should be installed and configured.
  • Admin credentials are set up in Confluence.
  • Valid Confluence Server or Data center Licence.

Download And Installation

  • Log into your Confluence instance as an admin.
  • Navigate to the settings menu and Click Manage Apps.
  • Click Find new apps or find new add-ons from the left-hand side of the page.
  • Locate Custom profile attributes and LDAP sync for Confluence via search.
  • Click Try free to begin a new trial or buy now to purchase a license for Custom profile attributes and LDAP sync for Confluence.
  • Enter your information and click Generate license when redirected to MyAtlassian.
  • Click Apply license.

How to add additional attributesHow to add additional attributes

    Custom profile attributes and LDAP 
sync add profile attribute
  • Inside the user attribute configuration section , please choose the type of attribute(company/personal/other).
  • Give an appropriate name to the attribute. The attribute will be added to the profile section by this name.
  • Custom profile attributes and LDAP 
sync add attribute
  • If you have a remote directory configured, you can have the attribute synchronized to it. Please select the remote directory and enter the parameter to be fetched from the directory.
  • Click on save.
  • Custom profile attributes and LDAP sync
  • You can enable/disable AD synchronization for an attribute by toggling the synchronization slider.
  • You can enable/disable profile visibility for an attribute by toggling the show on profile slider.

    Note: The additional attribute will get added to the user profile section.

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