Export Jira Tickets in PDF/Word for Cloud

miniOrange Issues/Tickets exporter app for Jira, gives ability to export Jira issues/tickets in the standard business document file format to share, print, email, archive and report them. Here we will go through a guide which will help you to understand functionality of Jira Issues/Tickets Exporter app. By the end of the guide, you can export the Jira issues/tickets in in the standard business document file format ie. PDF and Word(.doc).


To configure miniOrange miniOrange Exporter - Export Jira Tickets in PDF/Word plugin, you need the following items:

  • Jira should be installed and configured.
  • Admin credentials are set up in Jira.
  • Valid Jira Server or Data center Licence.

Download And Installation

  • Log into your Jira instance as an admin.
  • Navigate to the settings menu and Click Manage Apps.
  • Click Find new apps or find new add-ons from the left-hand side of the page.
  • Locate miniOrange Exporter - Export Jira Tickets in PDF/Word for JIRA via search.
  • Click Try free to begin a new trial or buy now to purchase a license for miniOrange Exporter - Export Jira Tickets in PDF/Word for Jira.
  • Enter your information and click Generate license when redirected to MyAtlassian.
  • Click Apply license.
  • miniOrange Jira Exporter, Install Jira Add-On through manage apps menu

Step 1: Select which Jira Tickets to export

a: For exporting Single Jira Ticket

  • Go to the Jira project and open the desired issue.
  • On the right side of the open issue, locate the miniOrange PDF Exporter.
  • Proceed to Step 2.
  • Jira exporter section, Jira exporter

b: For exporting filtered Multiple Jira Tickets

  • Navigate to the Issues page >> go to advanced search
  • Filter the desired issues using a filter or JQL (Jira Query Language).
  • Click on the miniOrange icon located on the top right corner to initiate the export.
  • Continue to Step 2.
  • Jira exporter section, Jira exporter

c: For exporting All Jira Tickets from all projects

  • Navigate to top Navbar >> Apps >> “miniOrange Exporter”
  • You may now proceed with Step 2.
  • Jira exporter section, Jira exporter

Step 2: How to export Jira Ticket

  • Select the issues you want to export.
  • Filter issues using the JQL search bar.
  • Click on the Next -> button.
  • Jira exporter section, Jira exporter
  • Select the PDF or WORD or EXCEL format in which you want to export the issue.
  • Select the Template in which you want to download the issues.
  • Jira exporter section, Jira exporter
  • To download separate files for each Issue, select the Download separate file for each issue checkbox.
  • Jira exporter section, Jira exporter
  • For a custom Template, click on the DOWNLOAD button to start downloading the exported file.
  • Jira exporter section, Jira exporter
  • For Plugin templates, click on the Next-> button to configure Advanced configuration.
  • Click on the Default tab. Select the fields which you want to export in the selected document format.
  • Jira exporter section, Jira exporter
  • Click on the Advanced tab to export selected advanced or custom fields.
  • Jira exporter section, Jira exporter
  • Select sections from the select sections tab.
  • Jira exporter section, Jira exporter
  • Click on Download. It will download the selected issue with the selected configuration.
  • To save the selected fields and sections for using them again, click on the save configuration button.
  • Jira exporter section, Jira exporter
  • Enter the Name for saving the selected configuration.
  • Jira exporter section, Jira exporter
  • Click on Submit button to save the Configuration
  • Use the saved configuration by selecting it from the dropdown.
  • Jira exporter section, Jira exporter
  • To delete a configuration, click on the Delete Icon next to the dropdown after selecting the configuration to delete.
  • Jira exporter section, Jira exporter
  • To customize the export templates, go to Manage apps >> Custom Template
  • Jira exporter section, Jira exporter
  • To create a new custom template, click on the “+” button.
  • Jira exporter section, Jira exporter
  • Enter the Template name, Template Description, and Template Content.
  • Select the sections which you want to add to the template ( selecting only the required sections will reduce the download time )
  • Select the Formats for which this template can be used.
  • If only PDF is selected, that PDF cannot be used for WORD download.
  • Jira exporter section, Jira exporter
  • Click on Save Button to save the template.
  • To Edit or delete a template, click on the icons for the template.
  • Jira exporter section, Jira exporter

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