Log into Nexus as administrator and go to
Administration >> Security >> Realms page.
To activate the Mo SAML Realm move the realm from the Available list
to the Active list and save the changes.
Note: Please note that the realm order in the Active box
determines the order of the realms in your authentication flow. We recommend putting
Mo SAML Realm after the built-in realm.
Once the Mo SAML Realm is active, go to the Administration >> System >>
Capabilities page and click on the Create capability button.
Find and select miniOrange SAML SSO capability and scroll to the bottom of
the page.
You’ll find the fields for Email Address and License Key. Enter your
email and the license key provided by miniOrange, and then proceed to configure the
rest of the plugin.
You can find SP metadata for Nexus SAML plugin at : <nexus_base_url>/service/rest/v1/security/mosaml/metadata
2.2: Configuring IDP details in Nexus SAML
After adding SP application on IDP, you’ll receive below
IDP metadata details:
Enter these IDP details into respective fields on miniOrange SAML SSO
capability page, and save the settings.
2.3: User Profile and Group Mapping
On the miniOrange SAML SSO capability page, scroll
to the Attribute Mapping section.
Provide the attribute name for below fields, which will be receiving from the IDP:
1. Username
2. Email
3. Display name
Now scroll down to the Group Mapping section and provide the group attribute
name receiving from the IDP and then save the settings.
Once configurations are done, you can access the login page where you’ll see two buttons:
Nexus Login for local authentication, and SAML SSO Login for SSO