OAuth/OpenID Single Sign On (SSO) into Jira using Gluu Server

OAuth/OpenID Single Sign On (SSO) into Jira using Gluu Server

Jira OAuth/OpenID app gives the ability to enable OAuth/OpenID Single Sign On for Jira Software and Jira Service Desk. Jira Software and Jira Service Desk are compatible with all OAuth/OpenID Providers. Here we will go through a guide to configure SSO between Jira and your OAuth/OpenID Provider. By the end of this guide, users from your OAuth/OpenID Provider should be able to login and register to Jira Software and Service Desk.

Video Setup Guide


Before proceeding with the integration of your OAuth/OpenID Provider and Jira, ensure that the following prerequisites are met:

  • Ensure that Jira has been installed and configured appropriately.
  • Enable HTTPS on the Jira Server (optional, but recommended).
  • Establish admin credentials for Jira.
  • Obtain a valid Jira Server and Data Center License.

Download and Installation

Now, let’s look at how you can download and install the miniOrange Jira SAML Single Sign On (SSO) plugin for your Jira Data Center.

  • Log into your Jira instance as an admin.
  • Navigate to the Settings Menu and click on Manage Apps.
  • Next, click on Find new apps option on the left-hand menu of the page.
  • Here, locate miniOrange Jira OAuth/OpenID Connect Single Sign On (SSO) plugin on Atlassian marketplace via search.
  • Click on Try it free to begin a new trial of the plugin with a temporary license.
  • When redirected to MyAtlassian, enter your information and click Generate license.
  • Next, click Apply license.
  • OAuth / OpenID Single Sign On (SSO) using OAuth/OpenID Provider, Manage apps menu

Step 1: Set Up Gluu Server as OAuth Provider

  • Login to your Gluu Server.
  • Select OpenID Connect > Clients from the left-hand side menu and click on Add Client.
  • OAuth/OpenID/OIDC Single Sign On (SSO), Gluu Server SSO Login Add Client
  • Configure Standard Settings using below details.
  • Client Name: Enter the client application name e.g. JIRA
    Authentication method for the Token Endpoint: Select client_secret_post from the list.
    Redirect Login URI: Enter the Callback URL provided in the plugin.
    Scopes: Select openid, profile and email from the list.
    Response Type: Select code, token and id_token.
    Grant Type: Select authorization_code from the list.
    Post Logout Redirect URIs: Enter URL where you want to redirect after Logout. e.g. JIRA Base URL.
    OAuth/OpenID/OIDC Single Sign On (SSO), Gluu Server SSO Login App Settings
  • Once all the settings are done click on Update to save your changes.
  • Copy generated Client ID and Secret.
  • Switch to Advanced Settings for configuring Front Channel Logout URI. Enter logout URI as <Base_URL>/plugins/servlet/oauth/logout
  • OAuth/OpenID/OIDC Single Sign On (SSO), Gluu Server SSO Login Front Channel Logout
  • Click on Update to reflect your settings.
  • Now, we need to setup Front Channel Logout URI for oxTrust. Browse to OpenID Connect > Clients and select oxTrust Admin GUI from the clients list.
  • OAuth/OpenID/OIDC Single Sign On (SSO), Gluu Server SSO Login Set Logout For Oxtrust
  • Go to Advanced Setting section and configure Front Channel Logout URI as <Base_URL>/plugins/servlet/oauth/logout.

    OAuth/OpenID/OIDC Single Sign On (SSO), Gluu Server SSO Login oxTrust Front Channel Logout
      Note: The Front Channel Logout URI will be the same for your Atlassian app and oxTrust.

Step 2: Set Up Jira as OAuth Client

  • Go to Jira Manage Apps -> click Configure under OAuth/OpenID Connect (OIDC) for Jira SSO. Then click on Add New Provider button. Select your preferred IDP. If an IDP is not present, select custom IDP.
  • jira oauth select provider
  • Enter Client Id, client secret , Gluu domain, and scope(required) as openid email profile.
  • Your Domain name will be https://<Gluu_Base_URL>
  • Click on Test Configuration for verifying the entered details.
  • OAuth / OpenID Single Sign On (SSO) into Service Provider

Step 3: User Profile Mapping

Navigate to the User Profile section in the left sidebar to set up user profile attributes for Jira. If your user directory is read-only, disable the User Profile Mapping option in this tab and proceed directly to the Matching a User step.

OAuth / OpenID Single Sign On (SSO) into Jira, auth0 single sign on, saml and oauth, atlassian single sign on, Configure User Profile

SAML SSO for jira using Okta Identity Provider, Okta SSO Login, 3.1 Identifying Correct Attributes

  • Access the SSO Endpoints tab and click on Test Configuration.
  • In the pop-up that appears, review the table displaying all values returned by your OAuth/OpenID Provider to Jira. If essential attributes like First Name, Last Name, Email, or Username are missing, adjust the settings in your OAuth/OpenID Provider accordingly.
  • Once you've confirmed all values in the Test Configurationpopup window, proceed to the User Profile tab.

SAML SSO for jira using Okta Identity Provider, Okta SSO Login, 3.2 Configuring Profile Attributes

  • In the User Profile tab, populate the fields by matching attribute names. For instance, if the Attribute Name in the Test Configuration window is NameID, enter NameID as Username.
  • It's essential to set up both Username and Email if you allow user registration. Alternatively, you can restrict login to existing users by deselecting the Allow User Creation option in the Advanced SSO Options tab.
  • You’ll be able to configure these rules in the Redirection Rules section.

SAML SSO for jira using Okta Identity Provider, Okta SSO Login, 3.3 User Attribute Matching

When a user logs into Jira, data or attributes from the OAuth/OpenID provider are used to search for that user in Jira and facilitate login. To match the attributes:

  • Navigate to the User Profile tab.
  • Choose either Username or Email as the login for the Jira user account.
  • Enter the attribute name from the OAuth/OpenID Provider that corresponds to the Username or Email as identified in the Identifying Correct Attributes step.
  • oauth 2.0, oauth authentication, OAuth / OpenID Single Sign On (SSO) into Jira, User Profile Mapping tab of the plugin

SAML SSO for jira using Okta Identity Provider, Okta SSO Login, 3.4 Custom Attribute Mapping

You can configure custom attributes received in the OAuth/OpenID response using the Configure User Properties(Extended Attributes) section.

  • Click on Add Attribute Mapping.
  • Enter the attribute name( E.g. department) as User Property Key in the Select Jira Attribute to Map field.
  • For each attribute, input the corresponding value retrieved from the Attributes from IDP tab in the Test Configuration window. For example, if the attribute name in the Test Configuration window is Department, enter Department as the Attribute Value.
  • Additional attributes, such as location, can be added by selecting the Add Attribute Mapping option.
  • oauth 2.0 authentication, oauth token, OAuth / OpenID Single Sign On (SSO) into Jira, provision for configuring additional attributes

Step 4: User Group Mapping

As we proceed to configure user group attributes for Jira, you have the option to enable group mapping.

If you wish to do so, please ensure to select Enable Group Mapping in the User Groups tab. Alternatively, you can proceed directly to setting the default group.

SAML SSO for jira using Okta Identity Provider, Okta SSO Login, 4.1 Setting the Default Group

  • In the User Groups tab, select the default group for users. If no group is mapped, users are automatically added to this group.
  • Using the Assign Default Group To option, you can assign default groups to all users or new users. Choose None if you prefer not to assign any default group to SSO users.
  • oauth api, oauth oidc, oauth sso, OAuth / OpenID Single Sign On (SSO) into Jira, Default group

SAML SSO for jira using Okta Identity Provider, Okta SSO Login, 4.2 Finding Group Attribute

  • To identify group attributes, go to the Configure OAuth tab and click on Test Configuration. Review the values returned by your OAuth/OpenID provider to Jira in the table. If group values are missing, adjust the settings in your OAuth provider to include group names.
  • After reviewing all values in Test Configuration, proceed to the User Groups tab. Enter the Attribute Name of the group under Group Attribute.
  • Check Disable Group Mapping option if you don't want to update groups of existing users.

SAML SSO for jira using Okta Identity Provider, Okta SSO Login, 4.3 Group Mapping

Group mapping can be done manually or on the fly:

  • Manual group mapping: If the names of groups in Jira are different than the corresponding groups in OAuth/OpenID Provider, then you should use Manual group mapping.
  • On-The-Fly group mapping: If the names of groups in Jira and OAuth/OpenID Provider are same, you should use On-The-Fly group mapping.
I. Manual group mapping
  • Check the Allow User Creation based on Group Mapping option if you want new users to be created only if at least one of the user's OAuth/OpenID Provider groups is mapped to a group in the application.
  • Select a Jira group from the dropdown list and enter the name of the OAuth/OpenID Provider group to be mapped in the Groups from Applications textbox.
  • For instance, if you want all users in the 'dev' group of OAuth/OpenID providers to be added to jira-software-users, you will need to select jira-software-users from the dropdown and enter 'dev' against jira-software-users.
  • You can use the '+' and '+10' buttons to add extra mapping fields, and the '-' button to delete mappings.
  • oauth client, open id oauth, open authentication oauth, OAuth / OpenID Single Sign On (SSO) into Jira, Manual group mapping
II. On-The-Fly group mapping
  • If the group names in both Jira and the OAuth/OpenID provider match, opt for On-The-Fly group mapping.
  • Check the Create New Groups option to create new groups from the OAuth/OpenID Provider if not found in Jira.
  • Preserve existing user groups by selecting the Keep Existing User Groups option. Unticking this option will remove the user from a Jira group if it's not present in the OAuth/OpenID response.
  • Deselect the Keep Existing User Groups option to prevent On-The-Fly group mapping from affecting locally managed Jira groups. Add those groups to the Exclude Groups field.
  • saml oauth and openid connect, sso oauth 2.0, OAuth / OpenID Single Sign On (SSO) into Jira , provision for on-the-fly group mapping

Step 5: SSO Setting

The configurations within the SSO Settings tab are pivotal in shaping the user experience for Single Sign-On.

SAML SSO for jira using Okta Identity Provider, Okta SSO Login, 5.1 Sign In Settings

  • Enable Auto Redirect to Application to redirect users to the OAuth/OIDC provider when accessing the Jira login page. You can set a delay before redirection.
  • Next, toggle the Enable Backdoor Login option for emergency access using a backdoor URL. Restrict access to this URL for specific groups if needed.
  • You can use Domain Restriction to allow login for specific user domains and configure multiple allowed domains (semicolon-separated).
  • The Secure Admin Login option ensures the re-authentication of admin users before accessing pages with administrative permissions.
  • oauth authentication, single sign on login, OAuth / OpenID Single Sign On (SSO) into Jira , provision for configuring sign-in settings in the plugin

SAML SSO for jira using Okta Identity Provider, Okta SSO Login, 5.2 Redirection Rules

  • Redirection rules allow you to redirect users to login pages/providers based on their email domains. This functionality is especially useful with multiple configured providers.
  • To create a new rule, go to the Redirection Rules tab and click Add Rule.
  • oauth 2.0 authentication, single sign on authentication, OAuth / OpenID Single Sign On (SSO) into Jira, Redirection Rules tab with provision for creating new rule
  • Next, give the rule a name and set the conditions for redirection. Click Save once you’re done.
  • saml and oauth, atlassian single sign on, OAuth / OpenID Single Sign On (SSO) into Jira, Add Rule window in the Redirection Rules tab
  • You can also set a default rule if no other rule conditions are met.
  • oauth authentication, oauth 2.0 authentication, OAuth / OpenID Single Sign On (SSO) into Jira, provision for setting a default redirection rule
  • Once you set a redirection rule, users who fulfill its conditions will be shown a login form, prompting them to input their username/email address. You can set domain-based rules for directing users to specific providers as well.

SAML SSO for jira using Okta Identity Provider, Okta SSO Login, 5.3 Global SSO Settings

  • You can enable/disable SSO for Jira Software and Service Desk from the Global SSO Settings tab.
  • If enforcing SSO for Service Desk Agents only, select Enable SSO Only For Service Desk Agents.
  • You have the option to activate SSO for both Jira software and service desk by selecting Enable SSO for Jira Software and Enable SSO for Jira Service Desk respectively.
  • The app also gives you options to adjust additional settings like Allow Users to Change Password, Restrict Access to Plugin APIs, and Auto Activate Users on SSO.
  • To keep users logged in until explicitly logged out, you can enable Remember Me-Cookie in the Session Management tab.
  • oauth token, oauth api, oauth oidc, OAuth / OpenID Single Sign On (SSO) into Jira, Global SSO Settings tab in the plugin

SAML SSO for jira using Okta Identity Provider, Okta SSO Login, 5.4 Look and Feel

  • You can customize the appearance of your login page and error messages from the Look and Feel tab.
  • The plugin has provisions for modifying the default login button text and designing the login page using customisable templates.
  • open authentication oauth, saml oauth and openid connect, provision for customizing the login page under the Look and Feel tab
  • You can also set a Custom Logout URL from the Post Logout Configuration tab to redirect users to a specific screen after they logout.
  • The SSO Error Message section allows you to customize the error message displayed to users.
  • Look and Feel tab with provision for customizing the error messages

Configure SCIM with SAML

Configure SCIM with SAML for your choosen IDP by following the step by step guide linked here.

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