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Exploring Shopify New Customer Accounts & Enhancing Security with miniOrange

Discover Shopify new customer accounts update and how miniOrange security solutions can enhance your store protection. Learn about advanced features for DTC and B2B customers, and how to boost efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Updated On: Jan 8, 2024

Exploring Shopify's New Customer Accounts & Enhancing Security with miniOrange

Shopify's recent update introduces advanced extensibility features for new Shopify customer accounts, significantly enhancing both Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) and Business-to-Business (B2B) customer accounts. This update allows for more seamless and customizable customer interactions, boosting satisfaction and operational efficiency for both types of customers.

Differences Between Shopify's Classic and New Customer Accounts

Classic Accounts

  • Requires customers to log in with an email and password.
  • Accounts are created through invitations or direct signups.
  • Offers limited customization and functionality, often leaving businesses with rigid customer interaction frameworks.

New Customer Accounts

  • Features seamless login via one-time email code or Shop login.
  • Automatically creates accounts upon first login, simplifying the process for users.
  • Enhances self-service returns and order management, allowing customers to handle returns and track orders more efficiently.
  • Customizable profile pages with additional data fields for a personalized experience, enabling businesses to gather and utilize more customer information.

Enhancing Customer Experience

With new extensibility features, brands can now:

  • Personalize product recommendations based on a customer’s order history, increasing the relevance of suggestions and improving sales.
  • Display loyalty points and promotional offers directly on profile pages, encouraging repeat business and customer engagement.
  • Introduce new pages such as wishlists or custom design storage, providing added value and convenience for customers.
  • Automate customer service through new app integrations, streamlining support and freeing up resources for other tasks.

B2B Customer Accounts

This update is particularly significant for B2B customer accounts, offering:

  • Detailed company and location information in profiles, ensuring accurate and comprehensive records for each business customer.
  • Permissions for different company locations to manage orders and billing independently, facilitating better internal management.
  • Improved visibility and management of order status, helping businesses track and fulfill orders more efficiently.

Strengthening Your Store Security with miniOrange

In addition to the new customer account features, robust security is crucial. miniOrange provides comprehensive security solutions for Shopify, including:

  • Single Sign-On (SSO): Simplifies login processes and enhances security by allowing customers to log in using a single set of credentials. Additionally, enhancing your Shopify website security is crucial for protecting user data and maintaining trust.
  • Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): Adds an extra layer of protection by requiring multiple forms of verification before granting access. miniOrange provide multiple authentication methods like OTP over SMS, OTP over mail, OTP over telegram, OTP over WhatsApp, Push Notification, Security Questions, etc.
  • OTP Login: Provides your customers secure access to your Shopify Store with the help of OTP over their Phone number/email. Enhance the user experience over your store by prompting them to log in with OTP, Google Authenticator, OTP over WhatsApp/telegram, OTP over call, etc, and increase sales of your store using this passwordless login feature.
  • Country/IP Blocking: Restrict unwanted traffic from the countries and IPs and keep your content secure from getting misused or from getting stolen. Any visitor from specific countries or IPs will not be able to get a glance at your store and they will be auto-redirected to an Access Denied Page.
  • Bot Protection: Detects and blocks malicious bots attempting to manipulate the Shopify checkout process or engage in fraudulent activities. With the Shopify Bot Protector feature, merchants can ensure a secure and seamless shopping environment. This protection safeguards their inventory, and customer data, prevents spam account creation, and preserves their overall reputation from the negative effects of bot interference.
  • Restrict Content (LockOn): Lock your Shopify store and control who can access your pages, products, and collections in a given space. You can restrict customers from accessing Shopify-restricted products based on their Shopify tags. There are many businesses hosted over Shopify and many of them need to control which users can access certain pages and products on the Shopify store.

Comprehensive Shopify Account Management

  • User Provisioning: Two-way sync for orders, products, and User information between Shopify Stores or your other website. Our application allows you to automate user creation, update and delete user information from the IDP (Identity Provider) in real-time to your Shopify Store. You can update inventory information once for all of your connected Shopify stores.
  • Inventory and CRM Integration: Unlock the full potential of your e-commerce store with Shopify Inventory Sync solution. Our app ensures seamless synchronization between Shopify and multiple applications like Salesforce, HubSpot, and other CRMs, so everything is always up-to-date in real time.
  • Loyalty & Rewards: Simplify the process of creating loyalty and rewards programs on the Shopify store that not only attracts but also retain clients. This drives growth and success for businesses of all sizes.
  • Subscription & Membership: Turns any product into a Shopify subscription product with automatic repeat orders, allowing you to increase your average order value and create loyal customers.

Choosing the Right Account Type

Deciding between classic and new customer accounts depends on your business needs:

  • Classic accounts are beneficial for specific integrations, such as powerful subscriptions or translation apps that may not yet be fully compatible with the new system.
  • New accounts offer greater flexibility and are better suited for a simplified user experience and enhanced B2B functionalities, making them ideal for businesses looking to modernize their customer interaction processes.

Future Prospects

The extensibility of customer accounts is still in the developer preview stage but promises significant future enhancements. Shopify aims to unify account experiences across multiple stores, potentially leading to more personalized and efficient shopping experiences, which could dramatically change how businesses interact with their customers.


Shopify's new customer accounts, combined with miniOrange's security applications, are set to revolutionize how brands interact with and protect their customers. By leveraging these new features and security solutions, businesses can offer a more personalized, efficient, and secure shopping experience, whether catering to DTC or B2B markets. As the functionality continues to evolve, staying updated and prepared to implement these changes will be key to maintaining a competitive edge in the ecommerce landscape.

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