Nowadays, when everything is becoming online, companies are also growing and connecting through the web each day and due to the increase of portable tasks, the applications rise on mobile phones, and cyberattacks become more frequent. As with great power comes great responsibilities, organizations can’t bear to jeopardise their security at any costs whether inside or outside the office.
That is where our Integration with Infosysta comes to the rescue.
Yes, you heard it right!
INFOSYSTA, the developers of Mobile for Jira and JSmobile are now integrating with miniOrange’s Single Sign On (SAML) plugin for JIRA in their solutions for smartphones.
Why is Mobile Security a necessity?
Innovation in Mobile Technology has progressed significantly in a short span of time. In under 30 years we’ve moved away from enormous, block-like phones and the start of the web to a universe of super-thin and amazing cell phones and tablets that can send and store information, just by simple tap.
While these gadgets offer us expanded web availability and everyday comfort, they additionally come along with significant security threats. Cyberattacks on cell phones have become common. Security is now questioned as so many of these applications gather enormous amounts of information. Simply, this is not even a percent of the effects of how dangerous it can be to have less to no security on mobile phones. Needless to say, mobile security is the need of the hour.
What is SSO? And How does it Function?
Remembering various usernames and passwords can be a burden. In case you’re attempting to run a business, you have so many applications and softwares that you work upon, there’s a great deal of usernames and passwords you need to recall. It’s hard to remain coordinated with this load of information, which is the reason you may be seeing a lot of talk about SSO of late. Single Sign On(SSO) is a vital part of Identity and Access Management. It is a software tool that helps users to get into their applications without any complexity of remembering their usernames and passwords. Single sign-on is of great importance for organizations. It reduces the number of cyberattacks by reducing login to only one set of credentials.
Advantages with SSO:
Builds client efficiency: Be it an employee or a client, they require various applications each day. They need to recollect every one of the credentials to each application every time they need to get to it. This turns into a lumbering exercise. With single sign-on, the clients just need to login once. At the point when their character is verified they can access every one of the applications they are approved to use without monotonous login measures, saving a ton of time.
Advances better security processes: With clients recollecting just one bunch of credentials, they will have great security. Noticing down passwords on a paper, making a rundown on dominion, or utilizing similar passwords across all applications are generally extremely helpless password conventions. A cyber hacker could undoubtedly exploit this and slip their direction into your organization. With the single sign-on assistance, the clients just need to recall one credential and safely utilize each application.
Ready for Intelligent security: The Single sign-on integrating with applications itself prepares for brilliant security choices. They give your authoritative security, the edge to know consistently of any unknown access requirements. These pointers could be utilized to move forward the confirmation or suspend their access from the application inside and out.
Our Collaboration!
Keeping all these points in mind, miniOrange developed Single Sign On to achieve significant security. Whereas, Infosysta is all set with their mobile applications; Mobile for Jira and JSmobile to help users for efficient work portability.
These now come together to give you an amazing experience. You can now have security with your applications on your mobile phones.
Infosysta has now integrated miniOrange’s Single Sign On their Mobile for Jira and JSmobile applications, which are easy to install, configure and use. With ease of moving from desktop to your mobile phone plus advanced security with SSO comes together to give you a supportive system.
Reach out to us at or raise a support ticket by clicking here.

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