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How To Restrict Shopify Store Access to Third-Party Vendors?

The e-commerce landscape is booming with many leading brands leveraging the power of Shopify to reach more customers directly and expand their online presence. However, managing a successful online store involves more than just product listings and marketing campaigns. Collaboration with third-party vendors, like logistics providers and marketing agencies, plays a crucial role for brands these days.

Updated On: Jul 8, 2024

While these collaborations help stream operations, sharing access to third-party vendors can pose significant risks for such brands. With improper security measures in place, third-party vendors can gain unauthorized access to sensitive data on your online store, increasing the risk of data breaches . Therefore, brands must establish strong vendor management protocols to safeguard their online store.


This is where the miniOrange Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB) can help ease things.


Let's learn how Shopify CASB integration can help brands give restricted access to third-party vendors and secure their Shopify online store.

The Challenge of Controlled Access

Brands that own a bustling online store manage tons of sensitive business data, financial information, and customer details at their core. Ensuring that only the necessary data is accessible to its third-party vendors is something that they often struggle with. For instance, sharing the entire Shopify admin dashboard with third-party logistics providers can potentially expose a brand’s sensitive data like customer information, sales figures, and trademarked business insights.


As these brands collaborate with third-party services such as logistics providers, payment gateways, and marketing agencies, the complexity of data management increases. Each of these services requires access to different subsets of data to function effectively. Without proper controls and data filtration mechanisms in place, there's a heightened risk of data breaches and misuse. This can lead to loss of customer trust, legal ramifications, and financial losses.


This is why you need data filtration on the Shopify admin dashboard: to safeguard sensitive information, comply with data privacy regulations, maintain customer trust, and streamline data access for third-party vendors.

The Power of Shopify CASB

miniOrange Shopify CASB solution is the perfect fix for this issue. It helps Shopify store admin to give restricted access to third-party vendors, most commonly to the orders section of the Shopify dashboard. This means third-party vendors can only view and access specific data, without risking exposure to sensitive information and keeping the rest of the admin panel secure. Given these features, many brands are showing interest in miniOrange Shopify CASB for its ability to address these online store needs.

How Shopify CASB Works: An Example

Working of Shopify CASB integration is pretty straightforward. The CASB solution integrates seamlessly with a brand’s existing Shopify setup, providing an additional layer of security without disrupting its operations.


Let’s explain this with an example:


Suppose, Shopify store has two vendor apps, Vendor A and Vendor B, who should be given restricted access to Shopify's data.

With CASB implemented, the Shopify store admin can discover all third-party apps that have access to the store's data. The admin can then define security policies specifying which data the third-party apps can access.


For instance:

  • Vendor A can only access the product catalog data.
  • Vendor B can only access order fulfillment data.


Since Vendor A is only allowed to access the product catalog, any request outside this defined policy is denied. Similarly, Vendor B's requests to access order fulfillment data are evaluated and approved if they comply with the set policies.


All access attempts are logged by the CASB. If an unusual activity is detected, the CASB triggers an alert to the Shopify admin.

Shopify Data Filtration Usecase

Top 5 Benefits of Shopify CASB

The miniOrange Shopify CASB also comes with additional benefits like:

Data Protection

Shopify store admins can define exactly what data third-party vendors can view and interact with, reducing the risk of data breaches or unauthorized access. By setting Shopify data filtration, admins can ensure that third-party vendors only access necessary information, lowering the risk of data breaches or unauthorized access.

Enhanced Security

Shopify CASB integration provides an additional layer of security, ensuring that sensitive information remains protected even when granting access to external partners.

Seamless Integration

The Shopify CASB solution integrates effortlessly with a brand’s existing Shopify store, minimizing disruption and ensuring a smooth transition.

Improved Operational Efficiency

By allowing third-party partners to access only the necessary data, brands can streamline operations and focus on core business activities without worrying about data security.

Deeper Visibility

Shopify CASB offers deeper visibility into user activities. This feature provides Shopify admins with detailed logs and real-time monitoring of who accessed what data and when. It helps in identifying any unusual activities promptly and ensures compliance with internal policies and regulatory requirements.


Want to allow multiple staff members to access specific Shopify store sections (orders, products)? Check out the miniOrange Shopify Multi-Staff Solution.

To Sum Up Shopify CASB for Data Filtration

Shopify CASB solution offers restricted access, protects sensitive information, and enhances operational efficiency for brands looking to expand their business through the Shopify online store. If you're looking to secure your Shopify admin dashboard while maintaining controlled access for third-party external users, Shopify CASB is the solution you need.

Take control with miniOrange Shopify CASB today.

Contact us at to learn more about our Shopify CASB solution! Grant the right access to the right people, at the right time.

  1. Secure Shopify Admin Login
  2. Shopify Multistaff Login
  3. Single Sign On (SSO) for Multiple Shopify Stores
  4. Salesforce CASB Data Security.
  5. G Suite IP Restriction.
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