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Single Sign-On (SSO) for CROWD Server
miniOrange provides a ready to use solution for Crowd. This solution ensures that you are ready to roll out secure access to your Crowd site within minutes.

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miniOrange Supports the following Usecases for Crowd

Crowd As Identity Provider

miniOrange provides SSO based plugins for Crowd supporting different protocols like OAuth, SAML for signing to client applications including WP / Joomla / Drupal / Atlassian.

Crowd As User Store

miniOrange enables SSO with any of the SSO Protocols (SAML 2.0, OAuth 2.0, OpenID Connect, etc) using Crowd as an Identity source. This allows a user to access the application using their Crowd credentials.

Crowd As Service Provider

miniOrange IdP enables users to SSO into Crowd. The end user first authenticates through miniOrange IdP by SSO using miniOrange Console, and is then redirected to his Crowd account.

Atlassian Crowd Server as Service Provider

miniOrange provides secure access to Crowd for enterprises and full control over access of applications, Single Sign On (SSO) into Crowd with one set of login credentials.

miniOrange SAML Single Sign on (SSO) plugin acts as a SAML Service Provider which can be configured to establish the trust between the plugin and a SAML capable Identity Providers to securely authenticate the user to the Crowd Server.

User based Pricing

No of Users

Pricing for Premium Plugin

50 $10
100 $500
500 $1000
500+ $2000

Crowd SAML Plugin vs Individual SAML Plugin for other Atlassian Application

Key benefits

  • Users are automatically signed into Crowd as well as connected Atlassian Applications.
  • Users don't have to enter their passwords repeatedly.


Follow the Step-by-Step Guide given below for Atlassian CROWD Server Single Sign-On (SSO) using SAML

Step 1: Download and installation

  • Stop Crowd Server.
  • Put the plugin's jar file on plugins directory, sub-directory of your shared Crowd home directory (or the main Crowd directory in versions prior to Crowd 3.0).
  • Restart the Crowd Server.
  • Login to Crowd Admin Console.
  • Click on the admin dropdown and click on miniOrange SAML SSO .
  • crowd-sso-admin

Step 2: Register/Login with miniOrange using addon

  • Click on miniOrange SAML SSO in the admin dropdown.
  • Register with miniOrange using a simple form in add-on.

  • crowd-sso-registration

  • If you are Already Registered with miniOrange, you can direclty login in to the plugin .

  • crowd-sso-login

Step 3: Verify License Key

  • Enter your license key and click on varify.
  • crowd-sso-license-verification

Step 4: Configuring the plugin

  • Using IdP information user could add details in Configure SP.
  • Provide the required settings (i.e. IdP Entity ID, IdP Single SignOn Service Url, X.509 certificate) in the plugin and save it OR upload metadata given by the IdP by provinding URL or XML file.

  • For Example:

    IdP Entity Idhttps://login.xecurify.com/moas
    Single Sign On URLhttps://login.xecurify.com/moas/idp/samlsso
    Single Logout URLhttps://login.xecurify.com/moas/idp/samllogout
    Identity Provider CertificateUpload the certificate downloaded from miniOrange Admin Console


Step 5: Test Configuration

  • Click on the Test Configuration button to perform SSO and fetch user attributes from IdP.
  • The below screenshot shows successful test result.
  • This screenshot shows the attributes that are received and are mapped by attribute mapping.

  • crowd-sso-test-configuration

Step 6: Attribute Mapping

  • Attribute Mapping helps you to get user attributes from your IdP and map them to Crowd user attributes.
  • Please refer to attributes received in successful Test congiguration and use them for Attribute Mapping.
  • In Attribute Mapping details like username and NameID as shown in step 4 of Test Successful are mapped to Username and Email respectively.
  • Also Full Name or Separate Name(i.e First and Last Name)attributes are given as options according to Crowd user attributes
  • While auto registering the users, these attributes will automatically get mapped to your Crowd user details.
  • Clicking Keep Existing User Attributes checkbox will disable attribute mapping for existing users. New users will be created with attribute mapping defined.


Step 7: SSO Sign In Settings

There are different ways to login to your Atlassian Crowd Server.

  • Login Button Text make your organization's SSO easy for Crowd users to recognize.
  • Set Relay State URL to redirect all users to a particular URL after SSO login.
  • You also have option to disable your Crowd login by clicking Disable Crowd Login checkbox. If Crowd Login is disabled, all users will be redirected to IdP for login. Redirect rules for administrator functions are defined by Secure Admin Login Options.
  • Enable backdoor checkbox allows administrators to bypass external authentication and log in with a Crowd administrator using username annd password. Note: a logged-in user cannot access this page, you need to logout to access this.

  • crowd-sso-sign-in-settings

Crowd SSO Connector for Atlassian Applications

Also, looking to enable SAML SSO for all connected Atlassian applications? miniOrange also has SAML SSO connector that expands the SAML SSO functionality from Crowd to its connected Atlassian applications.

Crowd SSO Connector for JIRA

Crowd SSO Connector for JIRA connects to the SAML Single Sign-On for Crowd for SSO into JIRA Server with any SAML 2.0 compliant Identity Provider. You can enable it with the few steps.

  • Step 1: Configure Crowd SAML SSO plugin with the steps given in the above section.
  • Step 2: Enable Crowd SSO with your JIRA Server. Click here to get the steps to enable Crowd SSO for your JIRA Server.
  • Step 3: Download and install the Crowd SSO Connector for JIRA from the Atlassian Marketplace.
  • Step 4: Configure Crowd base URL and define the redirect rule in the Configuration tab of the connected.

  • crowd-sso-config

  • Step 5: All done.

Crowd SSO Connector for Confluence

Crowd SSO Connector for Confluence connects to the SAML Single Sign-On for Crowd for SSO into Confluence Server with any SAML 2.0 compliant Identity Provider. You can enable it with the few steps..

  • Step 1: Configure Crowd SAML SSO plugin with the steps given in the above section.
  • Step 2: Enable Crowd SSO with your Confluence Server. Click here to get the steps to enable Crowd SSO for your Confluence Server
  • Step 3: Download and install the Crowd SSO Connector for Confluence from the Atlassian Marketplace
  • Step 4: Configure Crowd base URL and define the redirect rule Configuration tab of the connected.

  • Step 5: All done.

Crowd SSO Connector for Bitbucket

Crowd SSO Connector for Bitbucket connects to the SAML Single Sign-On for Crowd for SSO into Bitbucket Server with any SAML 2.0 compliant Identity Provider. You can enable it with the few steps.

  • Step 1: Configure Crowd SAML SSO plugin with the steps given in the above section.
  • Step 2: Enable Crowd SSO with your Bitbucket Server. Click here to get the steps to enable Crowd SSO for your Bitbucket Server.
  • Step 3: Download and install the Crowd SSO Connector for Bitbucket from the Atlassian Marketplace.
  • Step 4: Configure Crowd base URL and define the redirect rule in the Configuration tab of the connected.

  • crowd-sso-config-2

  • Step 5: All done.

Crowd SSO Connector for Bamboo

Crowd SSO Connector for Bamboo connects to the SAML Single Sign-On for Crowd for SSO into Bamboo Server with any SAML 2.0 compliant Identity Provider. You can enable it with the few steps.

  • Step 1: Configure Crowd SAML SSO plugin with the steps given in the above section.
  • Step 2: Enable Crowd SSO with your Bamboo Server. Click here to get the steps to enable Crowd SSO for your Bamboo Server
  • Step 3: Download and install the Crowd SSO Connector for Bamboo from the Atlassian Marketplace
  • Step 4: Configure Crowd base URL and define the redirect rule in the Configuration tab of the connected.

  • crowd-config-3

  • Step 5: All done.

Crowd SSO Connector for Fish eye

Crowd SSO Connector for Fish eye connects to the SAML Single Sign-On for Crowd for SSO into Fish eye Server with any SAML 2.0 compliant Identity Provider. You can enable it with the few steps.

  • Step 1: Configure Crowd SAML SSO plugin with the steps given in the above section.
  • Step 2: Enable Crowd SSO with your Fish eye Server. Click here to get the steps to enable Crowd SSO for your Fish eye Server
  • Step 3: Download and install the Crowd SSO Connector for Fish eye from the Atlassian Marketplace
  • Step 4: Configure Crowd Base URL also define the redirect rule in the SSO Redirection tab of the plugin.

  • crowd-sso-config-4

  • Step 5: All done.

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