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Passwordless Authentication

Enhance security & user experience with passwordless login options. Deliver hassle-free user access without compromising security by choosing our passwordless authentication solution.

  Verify user identity with authentication tokens

  Simplify login process & minimize account lockouts

  Reduce Phishing attacks by eliminating passwords

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Passwordless Authentication

What Is Passwordless Authentication?

Passwordless authentication works by replacing passwords with other authentication factors that are intrinsically safer. It is a modern approach to identity verification that eliminates the traditional reliance on usernames and passwords for accessing accounts and systems. Instead of users having to remember and enter a password, passwordless authentication methods use alternative means to verify a user's identity, typically something the user possesses or something inherent to them. The primary goal of passwordless authentication is to enhance security, user convenience, and usability.

Passwords are not secure! Choose Passwordless Authentication

The Problem: Remembering “N number of passwords” for daily applications is a big hassle for your users. When higher-security applications demand periodic password rotation, it becomes an even bigger hassle. When Password management becomes a hassle for users, it diminishes the user experience and hampers productivity.

The Solution: Don’t overwhelm your users with password management, and eliminate password-related vulnerabilities like weak passwords, credential theft, etc., by enabling secure Passwordless login options.

Eliminate Password Vulnerabilities & Simplify User Login Experience

Increase Conversion Rates

Increases user engagement and conversion rates through secure methods like biometrics, push notifications, client certificate authentication, PKI authentication, & device-generated tokens.

Improved Security

Nullify the risk of password-based attacks like password guessing, phishing, credential stuffing, and brute-force attacks.

Enhanced User Experience

No need to remember and enter passwords every time users have to access a system, thus reducing the friction associated with password-based authentication.

Reduced Overhead Cost

Eliminate the need to manage passwords and reset them. Since, managing account resets, lockout and security-related issues is a resource-intensive task for organizations.

Passwordless methods supported by miniOrange

SMS-based authentication

Instead of using a username and password, users input their phone number. They will receive a one-time code via SMS. After entering this code, user will be authenticated in the application.

Email-based authentication

Users enter their email into the login box instead of using their password. They will receive an email with a login link to access the account.

Possession authentication

Authentication is performed through a user's personal device (e.g., mobile, laptop, tablet), using methods like Authenticator Apps, time-based OTPs via email or text, or hardware tokens.

Biometrics authentication

Individuals’ physical attributes, such as fingerprints and retina scans, are studied and saved in a database, and the same data is confirmed during user authentication.

One-time Passcodes

One-time passwords (OTP) or codes (OTC) are like magic links but involve users entering a code sent to them (via email or SMS) instead of just clicking a link. This happens every time they log in.

Link-Based Authentication

In this passwordless method, instead of a password, users enter their email into the login box. An email with a login link is sent to them, and this repeats for each login.

Push Notifications

Users get a push notification on their mobile device from a dedicated authenticator app (like Google Authenticator) and verify their identity by opening the app through the notification.

Frequently Asked Questions.

How Does Passwordless Authentication Work?

Passwordless authentication replaces passwords and MFA with safer and less complex authentication factors. Two examples of passwordless authentication are Passkey Authentication and Certificate-Based Authentication, which eliminate the need for passwords. Biometric authentication is another type of passwordless authentication that compares a user's unique physical characteristics for identification purposes. Alternatively, some systems send a one-time passcode to the user's mobile device as a means of authentication.

MFA vs Passwordless Authentication

Passwordless authentication is a technique that replaces passwords with a more secure authentication factor. Multi-factor authentication (MFA) takes this a step further by requiring multiple authentication factors to verify a user's identity. An MFA system may use fingerprint scanning as the primary factor and SMS OTPs as the secondary. Passwordless authentication is sometimes confused with MFA, and the terms are used interchangeably. This is because traditional password-based login systems often incorporate passwordless techniques as a secondary factor.

Can I use passwordless authentication for all my accounts?

The availability of passwordless authentication depends on the specific systems and applications you are using. While many platforms now support passwordless options, it's best to check with the service provider or application developer to determine if this feature is available.

Is passwordless authentication suitable for all users?

Passwordless authentication can benefit a wide range of users, but it may not be suitable for every situation. Factors like user preference, device compatibility, and the sensitivity of the information being accessed should be considered when implementing passwordless authentication.

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