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CASB Pricing Plan

   Choose User Tier:


Starting at

$3/ user / month

Startups ensure employee work flexibility and limited access to company data.

Real time restriction policies

Detailed User Activity Visibility

Cloud Solution

Personalized Access Control

Real time user behavior monitoring

Compliant and Security Ready

Threat detetction and mitigation

Start Basic


Starting at

$5/ user / month

Aiming industry in their domain and secure data by controlling user permissions and mitigating threats.

Real time restriction policies

Detailed User Activity Visibility

Cloud and On Premise Solution

Personalized Access Control

Real time user behavior monitoring

Compliant and Security Ready

Threat detetction and mitigation

Start Premium


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Supported Cloud Applications

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is a CASB?

Cloud Access Security Broker or CASB acts as a protective shield between your team and Cloud Applications (like SaaS apps). It's your go-to solution for securing sensitive data, preventing unauthorized access, and monitoring user activities to identify potential threats. Enhancing Your Security Operations CASBs offer your Security Operations Center (SOC) team deeper insights into user-app interactions and data access. With CASB security features, your security team can swiftly pinpoint and tackle any potential threats.

What if I want to test features or have a Proof-of-Concept (POC) before buying?

Anyone can explore the miniOrange CASB Solution without any feature limitations for a period of 30 days. We offer a free personalized demo before purchase. Tell us your requirements/use case, challenges, and objectives, and we’ll arrange a quick POC at your convenience. You can contact us to discuss this further.

What are the available licensing options?

The license subscriptions are of 2 types:
A] Monthly Post Billing: The billing is based on active usage and the selected support plan, which includes 12 months of maintenance (support and updates). We bill accounts on the first day of each month for the previous month's usage. B] Annual Billing: Pre-billing for 12 months of usage and support plan, which also includes maintenance (support and updates). Customers who choose the annual subscription are eligible for discounted pricing. We accept credit cards (American Express, Discover, MasterCard, and Visa) and ACH transfers.

What if my users login daily or multiple times in a day, how will I be charged?

You will be charged for users, not on how many times a particular user has logged in for a particular month.

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miniOrange CASB solutions making it affordable for organizations