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Establish privacy with SOC Compliance

SOC, or Service Organization Controls, compliance highly regards organizations for their data security practices and getting one for your organization helps with a distinct market advantage, trust and avoiding penalties. Pass SOC audits effortlessly and gain your customers’ trust by maintaining superior data privacy.

  Gain customer confidence and trust with your data privacy

  Nail your security, availability, processing integrity, and confidentiality

  Identify gaps and patch them timely and effectively

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SOC Compliance

Who Needs SOC Compliance?

SOC compliance increases the level of security and builds client trust across these industries




Cloud providers

General Public Assurance


Banks, credit unions, and investment firms typically need SOC 1 Type 2 reports to ensure accurate financial reporting and safeguard customer data.

How Can Your Organization Prepare for SOC Compliance Audits?

Approaching SOC with confidence begins with being well-prepared for a SOC compliance audit. Here are a few steps

Understand requirements and assign team

Identify the relevant SOC type and designate a compliance team from relevant departments.

Assess risk and implement controls

Evaluate potential risks and develop controls to mitigate them.

Document procedures and train employees

Create detailed documentation for policies and procedures, and conduct regular training sessions.

Monitor Controls and Select Auditor

Continuously review and audit controls, and choose a qualified independent auditor.

Prepare Documentation and Conduct Audit

Gather necessary records and evidence and cooperate with the auditor during the process.

Review Findings and Implement Improvements

Analyze the auditor's findings, address issues, and refine processes.

SOC Compliance miniOrange

A Guide to decide the Type of SOC Compliance for Your Organization

Attribute SOC 1 (Type 1) SOC 1 (Type 2) SOC 2 (Type 1) SOC 2 (Type 2) SOC 3
Purpose SOC 1, type 1 audits cover internal financial statements controls with auditor’s opinion on suitability of controls. SOC 1, type 2 audits cover internal financial statements controls after testing over time for suitability and effectiveness. SOC 2, type 1 audits cover security, integrity, availability, confidentiality, and privacy controls in a confidential report describing opinion on suitability. SOC 2, type 2 audits cover security, integrity, availability, confidentiality, and privacy controls in a confidential report with opinion-based on the results of testing controls over time for suitability and effectiveness. SOC 3 audits cover security, integrity, availability, confidentiality, and privacy controls in a public-facing report with results of controls’ testing over time for suitability and effectiveness.
Time Frame Single point in time Over a period (typically 6-12 months) Single point in time Over a period (typically 6-12 months) Over a period (typically 6-12 months)
Audience Management, user entities, and their auditors Management, user entities, and their auditors Management, user entities, and their auditors Management, user entities, and their auditors General audience
Level of information covered in report Lowest Low Medium Highest High
Report type Attestation report Attestation report Attestation report Attestation report Simplified report

SOC Compliance

How Does miniOrange Help Your Organization Obtain a SOC Certification?

miniOrange collaborates with trusted partners in the USA (under SSAE 18) and globally (under ISAE 3402). These partnerships leverage expert knowledge and proven methodologies to ensure a thorough and efficient SOC audit process. With comprehensive support and guidance from miniOrange, organizations can navigate the complexities of SOC audits with ease. This collective effort ensures that your organization meets stringent SOC compliance requirements effectively. Elevating your security posture with the help of identity and access management solutions like SSO, MFA, and PAM remains the cornerstone of great security. miniOrange is at the forefront of providing them for your specific business needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

More FAQ's →

What is SOC compliance?

What is SOC 2 compliance, and how do I get it?

How does miniOrange simplify SOC compliance?

What are the benefits of SOC compliance?

How long does it take to get SOC compliance?

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