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Search Results:



Single Sign On For E-Learning Platform

They wanted to perform SSO for their E-Learning platform using CAS (Central Authentication Service). CAS is a ticket-based SSO protocol that provides users access to web applications after authentication against a central CAS Server.




Adoption Rate

30 Days

Deployment Time

I love the product and support engineers are amazing, highly skilled and talented


miniOrange provides SSO to E-Learning Platform using CAS (Central Authentication Service). CAS is a ticket-based single sign-on (SSO) protocol that provides users access to web applications after authentication against a central CAS Server. Its purpose is to permit a user to access multiple applications while providing their credentials (such as user id and password) only once. It also allows web applications to authenticate users without gaining access to a user’s security credentials, such as a password.

miniOrange Solution

Secure Single Sign-on for

One of the most important aspects of CAS is that the user credentials (more importantly the password) is never shared with the applications, which makes the authentication even more secure.

Using miniOrange IDP you can easily configure CAS as your identity provider and use it for Single Sign On(SSO).For guide regarding setting up CAS with miniOrange IDP click here.

Key benefits of the solution

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