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miniOrange PAM 
Compliance Benefits

  See how miniOrange meets standards like PCI-DSS, GDPR, and more.

  Explore functionalities like least privilege enforcement, real-time auditing, and certificate management.

  See how miniOrange helps you adhere to local regulations in regions like the UK, Singapore, the Middle East, Brazil, and more.

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2024 Privileged Access Management (PAM) Compliance Guide - miniOrange

Trusted by Leading Global Enterprises

An Essential Requirement

Compliance readiness is a significant driver behind the rapid adoption of privileged access management solutions. With miniOrange PAM, your enterprise gains a comprehensive solution designed to meet stringent industry standards. Our solution provides out-of-the-box compliance, addressing your regulatory and audit requirements seamlessly. By choosing miniOrange PAM, you not only strengthen your cybersecurity but also ensure your enterprise remains compliant and resilient against evolving cyber threats.

Fulfill Compliance Requirements with miniOrange PAM

Compliance readiness is a significant driver behind the rapid adoption of privileged access management solutions. With miniOrange PAM, your enterprise gains a comprehensive solution designed to meet stringent industry standards. Our solution provides out-of-the-box compliance, addressing your regulatory and audit requirements seamlessly. By choosing miniOrange PAM, you not only strengthen your cybersecurity but also ensure your enterprise remains compliant and resilient against evolving cyber threats.

Ready for Enterprise, Compliant from Day One

miniOrange PAM is designed to be enterprise-ready and meets a wide range of privacy and compliance standards right out of the box. Just like other miniOrange solutions, PAM adheres to industry gold standards, ensuring a robust approach to privacy and security. You can trust miniOrange PAM to help your business stay secure and compliant effortlessly.

The Top 6 Ways miniOrange PAM
Helps You Meet Compliance Demands

miniOrange PAM offers essential features that help businesses manage access to sensitive data, ensure data integrity, and adhere to regional and industry regulations. These user-friendly features are quick to implement and deliver significant compliance benefits:

01Enforce least privilege

Organizations should ensure users have only the access they need to do their jobs, known as the principle of least privilege.

miniOrange PAM helps with this by using role-based access controls and just-in-time privilege elevation. This makes it easier for administrators to prevent unauthorized access and improve security throughout the organization.

02Fine-grained access provisioning

Effective access control is essential for simplifying access provisioning. miniOrange PAM’s request-release workflow enables admins to grant access to authorized business users only for valid tasks, efficiently limiting access to critical systems and data.

03Custom password policies and password rotation

Strict password policies ensure good password hygiene across your organization. With miniOrange PAM, you can configure password policies tailored to your security standards, including setting up password reset schedules.

04Remote session monitoring and termination

Session monitoring is crucial for detecting suspicious activities in real time. With miniOrange PAM’s robust privileged session management features, admins can actively monitor for unusual behaviors, terminate sessions remotely, log every action taken on endpoints, and more.

05Certificate lifecycle management

Managing SSL/TLS certificates effectively in the business environment is crucial to prevent outages and cyber threats.

miniOrange PAM provides comprehensive certificate lifecycle management capabilities. Users can discover all their certificates, create, renew, and deploy new certificates, set up custom alerts for certificate expiry, and ensure continuous

06Real-time audits

miniOrange PAM's real-time audits continuously monitor and capture all sensitive activities performed by users. Enterprises can create new accounts for auditors and designate them as Password Auditors within miniOrange PAM. This provides seamless access to all privileged access audits and reports, ensuring comprehensive oversight of security practices.


Meeting Local Compliance Requirements

miniOrange PAM’s features support a compliance-first approach to numerous local regulations. The following standards require enterprises to adopt various privileged access management features to achieve compliance:

Standards and Regulatory Requirements Feature Required at least in part by the standards and regulatory requirements Role of Privileged Access Management Solutions
Cyber Essentials - United Kingdom User Access Controls - One of Cyber Essentials’ five requirements. It requires stringent access control policies to regulate access to “email, web and application servers; desktop computers; laptop computers; tablets; mobile phones with a focus on managing highly privileged accounts such as administrative accounts. With miniOrange PAM, enterprises can establish request-release workflows and role-based access controls to manage access to critical endpoints effectively.
The Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) - Singapore Section 24: Protection of personal data. An organisation must protect personal data in its possession or under its control by making reasonable security arrangements to prevent — (a) unauthorised access, collection, use, disclosure, copying, modification or disposal, or similar risks; and (b) the loss of any storage medium or device on which personal data is stored. miniOrange PAM enhances the security of internal systems by safely managing and regulating access, thereby minimizing unauthorized access to sensitive personal data.
The General Data Protection Law (LGPD) - Brazil Portion of Article 46 states: Processing agents shall adopt security, technical, and administrative measures to protect personal data from unauthorized accesses, and accidental or unlawful situations of destruction, loss, alteration, communication or any type of improper or unlawful processing. With advanced features like role-based access control, policy-based access control, command control, and just-in-time elevation, miniOrange PAM provides the tools needed to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive information effectively.
Protection of Personal Information (APPI) - Japan Article 20: A business operator handling personal information shall take necessary and proper measures for the prevention of leakage, loss, or damage, and for other security control of the personal data.
Article 22: When a business operator handling personal information entrusts an individual or a business operator with the handling of personal data in whole or in part, it shall exercise necessary and appropriate supervision over the trustee to ensure the security control of the entrusted personal data.
Application Control, Restrict Admin Access (All three maturity levels) - Part of the Essential 8 requires the following: Allow access to only required applications on systems and limit access to sensitive systems data.
By implementing least privilege through role-based access control and just-in-time privilege elevation, and leveraging the privileged session auditing, monitoring, and management capabilities of miniOrange PAM, enterprises can effectively prevent unauthorized access to personal data while auditing every session launched.
Essential 8 - Australia Application Control, Restrict Admin Access (All three maturity levels) - Part of the Essential 8 requires the following: Allow access to only required applications on systems and limit access to sensitive systems data. With miniOrange PAM’s command control, remote app access, and request-release workflows, enterprises can limit access to administrative accounts and provide need-based, restricted, app-only access to critical devices. Additionally, organizations can enforce multi-factor authentication (MFA) for accessing PAM, enhancing security for sensitive business accounts.
Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) - Canada Principle 4.7 - Safeguards (Principle 4.7.1): The security safeguards shall protect personal information against loss or theft, as well as unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use, or modification. Organizations shall protect personal information regardless of the format in which it is held. miniOrange PAM’s robust access control, command control, and remote app access features safeguard personal data by preventing privileged users from executing unauthorized commands and by tightly restricting their overall access.
Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA) - South Africa Section 17 A responsible party must maintain the documentation of all processing operations under its responsibility as referred to in section 14 or 51 of the Promotion of Access to Information Act.
Section 19: Security measures on integrity and confidentiality of personal information. The Section 19 requires responsible parties to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of personal information by implementing reasonable technical and organizational measures. Responsible parties must prevent loss, damage, or unauthorized destruction of personal information, as well as unlawful access or processing. This involves identifying risks, establishing safeguards, regularly verifying their effectiveness, and updating them as new risks emerge. Responsible parties should consider accepted security practices and procedures applicable to their industry or profession.
The security and integrity of personal data can be maintained by utilizing role-based access control, request-release workflows, and just-in-time access provisioning features provided by miniOrange PAM. In addition, miniOrange PAM monitors and logs all activities conducted by privileged users, supplemented by real-time audits that document critical actions executed by both users and administrators.
UAE - National Cybersecurity Strategy Access management and data protection By implementing robust authentication mechanisms, role-based access controls, and encryption, miniOrange PAM ensures secure access management and protects sensitive data, fully aligning with the UAE's cybersecurity strategy.
Saudi Arabia - Essential Cybersecurity Controls (ECC) Protect critical infrastructure and sensitive data To address the Essential Cybersecurity Controls, miniOrange provides advanced access controls, real-time monitoring, and audit capabilities, ensuring that only authorized personnel can access critical infrastructure and sensitive data.
Qatar - National Information Assurance Policy (NIAP) Access management and information system protection Offering comprehensive access management solutions, miniOrange PAM complies with the National Information Assurance Policy by including multi-factor authentication, session monitoring, and detailed audit logs to safeguard information systems.
Bahrain - Personal Data Protection Law (PDPL) Data protection and access controls Ensuring compliance with Bahrain's PDPL, miniOrange secures access to sensitive data through strong access controls, data encryption, and continuous monitoring to prevent unauthorized access and data breaches.
Oman - Cyber Defence Centre (CDC) Regulations Access management and data protection miniOrange PAM securely manages and monitors access to sensitive data in accordance with Oman's CDC regulations by employing multi-layered security measures such as least privilege access and real-time threat detection.
Kuwait - Electronic Transactions Law Protection of electronic data Facilitating compliance with Kuwait's Electronic Transactions Law, miniOrange secures electronic data with stringent access controls, encrypted communication channels, and periodic security audits to maintain data integrity and confidentiality.
Middle East - GCC Cybersecurity Strategy Robust cybersecurity measures, including PAM Supporting the GCC Cybersecurity Strategy, miniOrange provides a comprehensive suite of privileged access management solutions that enhance overall security posture, including just-in-time access, continuous monitoring, and rapid incident response capabilities.

miniOrange PAM helps you maintain compliance with a wide range of local and international regulations.


Why Choose miniOrange PAM Solution?

miniOrange PAM offers powerful features, easy integration with your current IT systems, and ensures compliance with industry regulations, helping organizations secure privileged access effectively.

Easy Integration

Easy Integration

Our solution easily integrates with your existing IT infrastructure, ensuring a smooth implementation and minimal disruption to your operations.

Zero Trust Security s

Zero Trust Security

Aligning with Zero Trust principles, our PAM solution enforces strict access controls and continuous verification, ensuring that only authorized individuals can access sensitive resources.

Compliance Ready

Compliance Ready

miniOrange PAM helps you meet industry compliance requirements with comprehensive auditing and reporting features, protecting your organization from potential risks.

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