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Version 4.8.1 On-premise

System prerequisites have changed. Before upgrading to the new version it is recommended to increase your system specs to a minimum of 16GB. Kindly check this link for the entire pre-requisite list if you are deploying a newer version.

  • This release primarily focuses on aligning the feature set of our on-premise product with that of our cloud-based offering. It specifically addresses and incorporates all the new features and enhancements that have been introduced to the cloud after version 4.4.1.
  • In order to continue delivering world-class customizations and smoother upgrades we have decided to change our architecture and move to a microservice framework.
  • Redis, RabbitMQ and a reverse proxy are required components and pre-packaged with the build. We still offer you the flexibility to use your own separate deployments for each if you wish to do so.
  • The on-premise deployment can now be done using docker as well as via installer (on Windows) and shell script (on Linux).