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Configure DLP solution for Domain Blocking and Data Protection

This guide explains how to configure the DLP solution for domain blocking and website policy creation to prevent data breaches. The Categories and Domains tab enables restricting access to approved websites, reducing exposure to malicious sites. Admins can set up policies to block the upload of sensitive data, minimizing breach risks. These policies can be tailored by website type or data category, ensuring they meet security standards while allowing flexibility. This approach strengthens data protection and compliance through controlled web access and sensitive data handling.


    There are a couple of things you need to check before you start with the setup:

  • You need Administrator access for your DLP dashboard.

Step 1: Steps to configure Website Policy

  • Sign in to your DLP dashboard.
  • On the dashboard, navigate to the left menu panel and then click on Device Policies > Websites > Policy. Then click on Add Policy button.

  • DLP domain blocking and website policy configuration for preventing data breaches | Add Website policy

  • Click on the General tab.

  • DLP domain blocking and website policy configuration for preventing data breaches | Click on general tab

  • In the General tab, provide a meaningful name for the policy and choose a appropriate risk level.
  • Note: (The risk level indicates the severity of the policy.)

    DLP domain blocking and website policy configuration for preventing data breaches | Choose severity level

  • Now click on the Next Button.
  • In the Domain Restriction tab, select the Block Domains restriction and choose the category you want to block. For example: We've selected the "OTT" category.
  • Note: ( Domain Categories are groups of domains that you can manage collectively. To create a category, please refer to this section → Domains & Categories )

    DLP domain blocking and website policy configuration for preventing data breaches  | Click on Domain Restriction tab

  • In the File Restriction tab, you can set restrictions on file uploads based on their extensions. For example: we're allowing only “.txt” and “.docx” files.
  • DLP domain blocking and website policy configuration for preventing data breaches  | File Restriction tab

  • Click on the Next button and then proceed to the Classification step.
  • To enable Classification, check the Apply classification box. If you prefer not to apply classification, leave the box unchecked and skip this step.
  • For example: If you enable the Classification then you can set the action to "Block" and then choose the "Passport Numbers" as classification. This classification contains predefined rules to identify passport numbers. When our Agent detects a match in any HTTP request, it will block the request automatically.

  • DLP domain blocking and website policy configuration for preventing data breaches  | Classification tab

  • In the next step, you'll Associate Groups to the policy. Start by searching for the Developer Group and selecting it. If you want to apply the same policy to multiple groups, you can select additional groups as well.

  • DLP domain blocking and website policy configuration for preventing data breaches  | Associate Groups tab

  • Finally, click on Add button to save the policy.

  • DLP domain blocking and website policy configuration for preventing data breaches  | Policy Saved

Step 2: Steps to configure Domains & Categories

  • Under the Device Policies tab navigate to the Websites → Domains & Categories. Then click on Add Domain button.

  • DLP domain blocking and website policy configuration for preventing data breaches  | Add Domains

  • After clicking the Add Domain button, a category form will open.

  • DLP domain blocking and website policy configuration for preventing data breaches  | Add Catergory name

  • Then choose a suitable Category Name. For instance, in this example, we’re naming the category OTT. To proceed, click “OTT (New Category)” to assign this name.

  • DLP domain blocking and website policy configuration for preventing data breaches  |  Enter Domains

  • Now we will enter domains in this category.

  • DLP domain blocking and website policy configuration for preventing data breaches  | Add given domain

  • After entering the domain click on the Add netflix.com button.

  • DLP domain blocking and website policy configuration for preventing data breaches  | Add Multiple Domains

  • You can add multiple domains in the category as shown in the below image.

  • DLP domain blocking and website policy configuration for preventing data breaches  |  Save Domains

  • Now click on Save button to save the configurations.

  • DLP domain blocking and website policy configuration for preventing data breaches  | Configurations saved succesful

    In this way you have succesfully setup the Website Policy and Categories by using the our DLP solution. Also if you are facing any issues that you are not able to resolve please feel to reach out us dlpsupport@xecurify.com

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DLP domain blocking and website policy configuration for preventing data breaches  |