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Google Cloud
Workspace Security

Google cloud workspace security protects your apps like Google Drive, Gmail, Google Meet app, Google calender invites, admin console and many more. You can enable Google cloud security for your business accounts with security features like IP Restrictions, Device Restrictions, Location Restrictions, and Time Restrictions.

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Google Workspace Account Security

Need for Google Cloud Workspace App Security

Google Workspace Account Security

  • Google Workspace security features for business and education Google accounts (also known as Google context-aware access) are a modern method to secure user login and control access to G Suite apps, which adds a layer of security to your account-specific data.
  • With Google Cloud identity data protection, it only provides access to users based on the group roles assigned to them before they can access any of your Google Workspace services, like Gmail, Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, Google Meet, Google Drive and many more.
  • This makes it easier to manage your team members online, boosts productivity, and keeps your data privacy at the highest priority while maintaining Google Workspace Security and user access control rules.

  • As a Google Cloud account admin, you can provide Google Workspace security access and monitor user login attempts and activity details with the help of a reverse proxy to prevent data leaks and data breaches.
  • You can enable Google services like Google Drive block with IP whitelisting with security controls for sensitive data. You can set IP, Location, Device and Time restirctions for securing your admin console as a part of Google Workspace Security features.
  • This way, if users do not match the security rules set, they will be denied access to the workspace apps securing businesses from confidential data leaks with Google workspace security.
Google Cloud Workspace Security

Watch the video below to learn more about using Google Cloud Identity Access to restrict permissions to Google Workspace app files over your office networks and enable Google workspace security.

9 Benefits of Google Cloud Workspace Security

Google Drive Protection

Secure Google Drive with IP whitelisting for top notch workspace security and data protection. You can set security standards for your Google Drive files and folders.

Prevent Google Meet Bombings

Prevent all unauthorized users from hijacking your Google Meet App sessions (similar to Zoom Bombings) with advanced security for Google meet video conferencing and calendar invites.

Docs and Files Protection

Prevent unauthorized users' access to your Docs, Sheets, and Slides by enabling file protection with the best Google workspace security and cloud identity data protection.

Access Control Rules

Set custom user roles and permissions to set access control policies for different Google Workspace apps for smoother user handling. You can also configure your Google workspace admin console for advanced security.

Monitor User Activity

Monitor the traffic and each user’s activity to mitigate any threat attempts directed towards your company sensitive information stored in your Google workspace Cloud apps.

Whitelist IPs

Whitelist specific IPs, or an entire range of IPs for Google Drive, Gmail Workspace security, and for other Google Cloud app protection.

Individual Cloud Security

Set individual Google Cloud and workspace security for various Google services for flexibility and covering security gaps.

Dynamic Google Cloud Security

Set User Restrictions based on the time, country, devices in use, and IP ranges working at runtime, so the security restrictions kick in dynamically as the authorization conditions changes for any user.

Security Integrations

Easily add further security integrations like SSO, MFA, and advanced Adaptive Authentication methods for your Google account’s advanced security.

8 Google Workspace Security features with Reverse Proxy Server

Google Workspace Account Security

Complete Google Workspace Protection

All Google Cloud app services can be secured for advanced security from each user group in an organization for all user scenarios.

Monitor User Traffic and Activity

You can monitor the traffic and user activity for each Google Cloud service they interact with and keep logs and prevent data breaches.

Role-Based Access Control

Easy configuration for user roles and permissions using our highly customizable role-based access control Google Cloud solution.

Blacklist IPs outside your network

Block users not on your company network by blacklisting those IPs from accessing Google Cloud security for data protection.

No need to install third-party software

Google Cloud workspace proxy has you covered from any data breaches, so you don’t need to look for any other 3rd party service on the market for Google data protection.

Easily upgrade Google Workspace Security

Easily integrate Google workspace security features and updates for a seamless experience and stay protected against the latest threats and data breaches enterprises are facing.

Set custom rules for each user group

Set custom rules for each user group before they can even access any of the Google Cloud workspace apps.

Simple User Authentication

Simple User Authentication for each Google Cloud workspace app (like Google Drive) to provide advanced data security and threat protection.

Working example of Google Cloud Workspace Security Feature

Rick is an admin user who has set up IP restrictions for accessing different Google Cloud apps and assigned permissions for each individual user. Joe is a user who has a defined group role in the organization, and he will be granted access accordingly.



Google Workspace Account Security

Joe tries to access Google Drive, the request will go to the reverse proxy first.



Google Workspace Security

Joe's access to Google Drive is checked by the reverse proxy in the rules set.



Google Workspace Security

If Joe’s access request passes all the conditions, then he can securely access Google Drive.



Google Workspace App Security

Else, if Joe does not satisfy all the conditions then he will be denied access to Google Drive.

Google context-aware access provides well-defined access policies that determine whether users can retrieve Google Cloud workspace apps like Google Drive, Docs, Sheets, Slides, PDFs, Gmail, Google Meet, and many more, holding company secret data. Furthermore, you can set custom rules by creating a combination of security policies, such as authorized IPs, authorized locations, authorized devices, and time-based restrictions, before anyone can fetch your sensitive files stored on workspace.

Whether you need Google Cloud security for education or Google workspace security for business needs, miniOrange has you covered with the best enterprise level support at the most pocket-friendly price. Contact us at proxysupport@xecurify.com for any queries, sales, and support.

Pricing Plan

Choose User Tier


  • reverse proxy dynamic restriction  Dynamic Restriction

  • reverse proxy cloud solution  Cloud Solution
$3 / user / month
Start 10-day Free Trial


  • reverse proxy custom dynamic restriction  Custom Dynamic Restriction

  • reverse proxy cloud solution  Cloud Solution
$5 / user / month
Start 10-day Free Trial

Compare features and plans



The price is for (1-200) user tiers



The price is for (1-200) user tiers

IP Restriction

reverse proxy IP restriction reverse proxy premium IP restriction

Location Restriction

reverse proxy location restriction reverse proxy premium location restriction

Time Restriction

reverse proxy Time restriction reverse proxy premium Time restriction

Device Restriction

reverse proxy device restriction reverse proxy premium device restriction

SSO Authentication with ANY SAML provider
(With your own SSO provider)

reverse proxy SSO Authentication reverse proxy premium SSO Authentication

Set Custom User Groups Restriction

reverse proxy groups restriction reverse proxy premium groups restriction

Set Custom Restrictions on Group needs

reverse proxy custom restrictions reverse proxy premium custom restrictions

MFA Authentication

reverse proxy MFA authentication reverse proxy premium MFA Authentication


(Email + Video call + 12x5 Support)

(Email + Video call + 24x7 Support)

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