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Enroll Your Organisation into Apple Mobile Device Management (MDM) Solution

Mobile Device Management (MDM) provides an easy and secure way to manage iOS and Mac Apple devices within your organization. This guide walks you through the steps to enroll your organization in the miniOrange MDM solution to manage your fleet of Apple devices.
Start by uploading an APNs certificate with miniOrange MDM so that you can remotely manage your iOS and Mac Devices. This process creates a sense of trust between miniOrange MDM and your Apple Account.
For more information on MDM, check out the miniOrange Apple Mobile Device Management (MDM) Solution.

Follow the Step-by-Step Guide given below to setup Apple APNs in miniOrange MDM

Step 1: Sign up with miniOrange MDM

  • Click here to log into your miniOrange account.

    (Don’t have an account? No worries, click here to create a new account)

  • Login into miniOrange Mobile Device Management

Step 2: Setup Apple APNs in miniOrange MDM

  • Once logged in, Navigate to APPLE -> Apple Enrollment and click on Enroll button. You will need to Enroll your organization with Apple initially, this will be a one-time process.
  • Android Enterprise Register dashboard

  • Click on the Download button to download the MiniorangeVendorSignedCSR.plist file.
  • Android Enterprise Register dashboard

  • Click here to log into your apple account.

    (Don’t have an account? No worries, click Create a new Apple ID to create a new apple account).

  • Android Enterprise Register dashboard

  • Now, Click on APN Portal for Sign-in to the Apple APN portal.
  • Android Enterprise Register dashboard

  • Click on Create a Certificate.
  • Android Enterprise Register dashboard

  • Write a note (optional and avoid special symbols), and then click on Choose File.
  • Android Enterprise Register dashboard

  • Select the MiniorangeVendorSignedCSR.plist file, then click on Upload button.
  • Android Enterprise Register dashboard

  • Click the Download button to download the Apple APN Certificate (.pem).
  • Android Enterprise Register dashboard

  • Provide the Apple ID used to get the Apple APN certificate. This is required to send you a notification for renewal before it expires.
  • Click on the Upload button to upload the downloaded APN certificate.
  • Android Enterprise Register dashboard

    Android Enterprise Register dashboard

  • Now, Click on the Enroll button.
  • Congratulations! Your organization is now successfully enrolled with miniOrange MDM for managing your Apple device fleet.
  • Android Enterprise Register dashboard

Need help to configure or enroll apple device?
Contact us or email us at mdmsupport@xecurify.com and we'll help you setting it up in no time.

External References

miniOrange unified endpoint management offers a wide variety of security features with flexible scalability, all available at the most affordable price to all types of businesses. Start by signing up now!

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miniOrange MDM solution making it affordable for organizations