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Wallet login and NFT token gated Wix

Crypto wallet login to Wix website with login support for all popular wallets like MetaMask, Trust Wallet, Wallet Connect QR code, Ledger, and Trezor. Restrict/Lock access to content on the website through NFT token gated Wix. Allow access to gated content on Wix website based on NFT owned in wallet. NFT token gated Wix supports role mapping based on NFT held in the wallet.

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wix web3 integration and  NFT token gated

Feature for Wix Web3 Integration

Features Section

Login with crypto wallet to Wix

Connect wallet to Wix and allow users to log in to the Wix website through hot wallets like MetaMask, Coinbase Wallet, Edge Wallet, Trust Wallet, and Exodus and cold wallets like Ledger and Trezor. The wallet's private keys are secure and the crypto wallet login to Wix is done flawlessly.

NFT token gated Wix

Access to restricted content on Wix based on NFT owned.Lock/gate content on Wix and give access based on NFT owned in crypto wallet. Here content on pages is restricted and access is granted based on NFT owned in the crypto wallet. NFT token Wix gating is a popular approach to manage access based on web3 solutions.

Role Mapping based on NFT owned

Assign role on Wix based on NFT owned.NFT token gated Wix can be implemented to manage role mapping. Here user does a crypto wallet connect to Wix and the wallet is verified for a specific collection. Depending on the NFT owned roles are assigned.

Access to exclusive products on Wix eCommerce

Manage Wix eCommerce store based on NFT owned and access to Wix eCommerce stores based on NFT owned in a crypto wallet. Users who own specific NFTs can have access to exclusive products. NFT-based restriction on Wix can be done where discounts can be given according to NFT owned.

Secure Login

Flawlessly do crypto wallet login to Wix. Crypto wallet login to Wix is secure and instant. Your public key information is secure and not stored anywhere. Private is not used to connect crypto wallet to Wix and is securely stored.

Zero downtime

Peer to Peer protocol benefits of no downtime.NFT token gated also called NFT token Wix gating works with Zero downtime. The gating is based on the P2P protocol which works on the blockchain. This not also results in zero downtime but support for Web3 solutions.

Web3 wallet login & NFT token gating for Wix

Is Crypto Wallet login to Wix secure?

Yes, you can do a Crypto wallet login to Wix and it is completely secure. Connect crypto wallet to Wix only accesses your public key and your private key is completely secure. In the case of hot wallets when a user does a crypto wallet login to the Wix website though the private key is stored over the web, it is not accessed and is secure. In the case of cold wallet when a user does a crypto wallet connect to Wix the private key stored in the hardware is not accessed. The process of login is instant and no address or data is shared. Our Web3 solution is tested and made sure that no sensitive information gets leaked. You can do flawless crypto login to Wix using our solution.

What is NFT token gated Wix?

NFT token gated Wix allows you to restrict/lock content on the page and allow access based on NFT owned in the wallet. User who does not own the NFT is directed to the marketplaces like Opensea, SuperRare, and Rarible for purchase. NFT token Wix gating can be done based on the number/quantity of tokens owned, different types of tokens, or custom tokens. NFT token gated on Wix can be taken a step further where different roles to users can be assigned based on the NFT tokens owned in the wallet. If a user sells the tokens our solutions provide the feature to remove the role. NFT token gating works flawlessly with Wix and is a secure approach for content management.

wix web3 integration and  NFT token gated

wix web3 integration and  NFT token gated

Can you assign roles on Wix based on NFT?

Our Web3 solution does provide the option to assign roles based on NFT ownership. When a user does log in with a crypto wallet to Wix, our solution verifies the holdings of the wallet and accordingly assigns a role set by the website owner. The role assigning on Wix based on NFT owned is extended with NFT token gated Wix content. The roles assigned can be done for custom mined tokens with support for all popular blockchains. Support for a feature where if a user sells their NFT tokens then roles assigned to them will be revoked.

Can you create an NFT token gated eCommerce store on Wix?

Yes, you can do NFT token gated for the Ecommerce Wix store. Wix has plans to support eCommerce stores and there are currently active users for clothing, food, digital products, and more. Our solution allows you to create an exclusive experience for the customers.NFT gating of the Wix eCommerce store allows you to restrict access to certain products on the store and give access to only those users who own specific NFT in their wallets. Additionally, support for a discount on the Wix eCommerce store based on NFT tokens owned in the crypto wallet. For gating your products on Wix eCommerce stores based on NFT owned we provide a solution that is completely tested and works flawlessly.

wix web3 integration and  NFT token gated

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it secure to connect the crypto wallet to the Wix page?

Yes it is completely secure and once you connect your wallet only the NFT collection in it is accessed and your private key is off limits.

What if my wallet is not supported for login?

You can reach out to us and we will add support for specific wallets and blockchains.

What if my NFT token standard is not supported for NFT token Wix gating?

You can always reach out to us and we will add support for the token standard to our solution.

Does your solution allow to build NFT marketplace on Wix?

Yes, our Web3 solution does allow you to build an NFT marketplace on Wix. We do provide customization support according to your requirements.

Do you provide additional solutions for Wix Web3 integration?

We provide all solutions for Wix Web3 integration and deliver in an acceptable period. To do this we can have an entire team dedicated to Web3 solutions.

Does miniOrange offer technical support?

Yes, we provide 24*7 support from our development team. Any issue you face while using the plugin will be resolved by our team. You are given a choice to opt for a support plan which you can check here.

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