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Android Mobile Device Management (MDM) Solutions

We Are Android Enterprise Validated Silver Partner

Android Enterprise Validated Silver Partner Badge

What is Android MDM?

miniOrange Android MDM solution is a suite of security tools designed to manage data security policies across all your Android devices at work. It takes charge of your business-critical data storage and sharing through a range of features, giving you control over data handling on Android devices.

At miniOrange, we harness the benefits of Android Enterprise, ensuring smooth onboarding, efficient policy implementation, and extensive management of corporate applications. Our solutions are crafted to suit the needs of businesses and customers. Create a more secure and productive mobile device management setting, safeguarding both organizational data and user privacy.

How Does It Work?

Your admin initiates the enrollment of an Android device into the miniOrange MDM Android solution. This is done through different methods based on the device ownership status. For example, an email invitation is sent to personal devices.

The admin installs security configurations, referred to as policies, directly onto the device.

Devices can be categorized into groups, enabling the implementation of a specific policy across all devices within a designated group.

The admin can deploy essential Play Store apps and company-developed applications required for work onto the devices.

To maintain security, the admin can limit access to work-related profile data during office hours, preventing unauthorized data access outside of designed work hours.

In the event of an employee exiting the organization, the administrator can erase all data stored within the user’s work profile, ensuring data security and privacy.

HR IT Driven Provisioning

Key Features of Android MDM Solution

Android Device Enrollment

Simplify the process of enrolling Android devices by allowing administrators to remotely set configurations, apply security policies, and centrally install applications. Easily onboard multiple users or devices through a single set of user credentials and authenticate them using One-Time Password (OTP). With advanced enrollment methods like QR code-based onboarding, ensure seamless device management within your organization.

Android Profile Management

Create and apply customized configurations, control access to apps and data, and enforce security policies based on user roles or device requirements. Ensure a tailored and secure experience for each user or device within the management system. For example, you can restrict screenshots, deny camera access, and create a distinction between corporate and BYOD devices.

Android App Management

Empower administrators to remotely deploy, update, and remove applications across enrolled devices. Ensure efficient control, compliance, and security while facilitating seamless access to essential apps across an entire Android device cluster. Provide a catalog of whitelisted apps from the Play Store that users can download. Establish a list of blocked apps to prevent users from installing applications from unreliable sources, thus enhancing business security measures.

Android Security Management

If a device is stolen, you can remotely lock it and, if necessary, erase its files and emails to prevent unauthorized access to business data. With the MDM for Android solution, you can even use encryption to save the device data until it is located and track its whereabouts. Moreover, implement profile and device password policies to work apps and wipe data in case of multiple wrong login attempts.

Audits and Security Reports

Create security reports for every Android cluster to keep an eye out for suspicious activity on any device. Learn more about possible security lapses and determine the required level of data confidentiality for information kept on Android devices.

Frequently Asked Questions

What security features does miniOrange Android MDM support for enrolled devices?

miniOrange Android MDM solution leverages Android Enterprise security features like device encryption, remote lock/wipe, passcode policies, and compliance enforcement to safeguard data and ensure device security.

Are miniOrange Android MDM solutions compatible with various Android device types and OS Versions?

Yes, miniOrange Android MDM is built around the Android Management APIs, inclusive of all the features specified by APIs for different OS versions.

Which devices can be enrolled in miniOrange MDM Android solutions?

Smartphones, tablets, and some wearables running the Android operating system are among the Android-based devices that Android Mobile Device Management (MDM) solutions primarily support for enrollment and management.

How does MDM Android enable app management and distribution across enrolled devices?

Android MDM solution enables administrators to remotely push, install, update, or remove applications from managed devices. It offers a centralized platform to manage the entire application lifecycle, ensuring compliance with company policies and regulations.


Benefits of Mobile Device Management (MDM)

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miniOrange UEM solution making it affordable for organizations