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Personal Profile

This section lists all settings available for account and profile settings for end user.
Note: these settings will differ according to the level of access provided by your Admin.

  • Go to top right corner and click on your Profile. Click on Personal Profile.
  • Here you will see two sections:

    1. Account Information

    • Here, you can edit Username. This should not be same as Email. You will be automatically logged out of the account after changing the username.
    • You can also edit the Email and Phone number. You will be asked for an OTP for confirmation.
    • Account Information

    2. Profile Information

    • Scroll down to the Personal Profile section.
    • You can edit and manage your personal profile information like First Name, Last Name and Alternate Email.
    • Profile Information

    3. Registered Profiles

    • If Adaptive Authentication is enabled, scroll down to find the Registered Profiles section.
    • Here, you can see the list of all Signed in Registered Profiles of an individual user which shows Device type, Browser, IP Address & Access Location of that device.
    • You can Signout from a particular device or Signout of all the Devices from here.
    • Profile Information

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