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User Onboarding

The User On-boarding section shows details about the users who have not completed their account onboarding process and have not set a password for their account, hence they will not be able to authenticate.

How to View non-onboarded users:
  • Go to Users > Users List from the Side Menu and then select the On-Boarding Status tab.
  • you have non-onboarded users, they will be shown in the list.
  • miniOrange Identity Platform Admin Handbook: Onboarding status

  • You can also click on the User-Onboarding Status button to check the statistics for on-boarded and non-onboarded users.
  • miniOrange Identity Platform Admin Handbook: Onboarding status

How to Onboard non-onboarded Users :

  • In the User List, click on the select radio button against the users you want to onboard.
  • Once you have selected all the required users, click on the Select Action dropdown and select the Send Activation Mail with Password Reset Link option.
  • Click on Apply to send the password reset email to the selected users.
  • All selected users from the non-onboarded list will receive an email on the registered email address which will contain the password reset link using which they can set a password for their account. You can also send welcome emails to the users.

How to Identify Onboarded/Not-Onboarded Users: 

If you go to Users -> User List from the side menu and check the User List You can identify an onboarded User having a green User icon before the email address, while a non-onboarded user will have a red User icon before the email address.

miniOrange Identity Platform Admin Handbook: User List