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Restrict apps to a particular set of users

  • Apps can be restricted to a set of users by creating group specific app policies.
  • First create a group which will have access to the said app and assign users to this group.
  • Once the group is ready follow the steps mentioned above to create a new app policy for this group.
  • Make sure to delete the Default policy of this app if present.
  • That’s it! With the app policy created for the group with restricted users, only those specific users will be able to access / SSO to the app.
  • E.g. As you can see in the below screenshot, the Self Service Console app has a policy with DEFAULT group allowing all users to have access to the app. As for the testapp as the only policy present is created with a custom group called demogroup, users from only the demo group group will have access to the app and other users from the default group will not have access to the application.
  • Policies: Restrict apps to particular users