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Search Results:


Apps Report

  • Login in to miniOrange PAM dashboard.
  • On the upper right corner click on Switch to Audit Dashboard.
  • Under Reports sidebar, click Apps Report.
  • PAM Handbook - Apps Report: Click on the Switch to Audit Dashboard button. Under Reports, click on Apps Reports

The App Report table displays various app-related activities, including creation, deletion, and updates. Users have the option to sort data based on columns such as App Type, App Name, Action, IP/Host, and Datetime.

Each column in the table provides specific information about the app activity, including:

  • App Name: The name of the app.
  • App Type: Indicates the type of app, such as MySQL, MSSQL, OracleDB, PostgreSQL, or SAP HANA DB.
  • Action: Represents the action performed on the apps, such as Create, Delete, or Update.
  • IP/Host: Displays the IP address or hostname associated with the action performed.
  • Datetime: Shows the timestamp of the activity.

Administrators can utilize the search functionality to find information about specific apps. Additionally, they have the option to add filters to refine their search results.

PAM Handbook - Apps Report: To check Apps Activity in below table

On the right side, a customized column icon is situated where users can add/remove columns as per their preference.

PAM Handbook - Apps Report: Customize Columns - Where users can add/remove column as choice