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Search Results:


Assets Report

To access the Assets Report functionality, follow these steps:

  1. Login to the miniOrange PAM dashboard.
  2. On the upper right corner of the dashboard, click on "Switch to Audit Dashboard".
  3. In the sidebar menu, navigate to the "Reports" section.
  4. Select "Assets Report" from the available options.
  5. PAM Handbook - Assets Report: Click on the Switch to Audit Dashboard button

The Asset Report table displays various asset-related activities, such as creation, deletion, and updates. Users have the ability to sort data based on columns such as Asset Type, Asset Name, Action, IP/Host, and Datetime.

The columns in the table provide specific information about asset activity, including:

  • Asset Name: The name of the asset.
  • Asset Type: Indicates the type of asset, such as SSH or RDP.
  • Action: Represents the action performed on the assets, such as Create, Delete, or Update.
  • IP/Host: Displays the IP address or hostname associated with the action performed.
  • Datetime: Shows the timestamp of the activity.

Administrators can utilize the search functionality to find information about specific assets. Additionally, they can apply filters to refine their search results.

PAM Handbook - Assets Report: The Asset Report table shows numerous asset-related activities

There is an icon on the right side that allows users to add/remove columns according to their preferences.

PAM Handbook - Assets Report: Customize the column according their preference