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Search Results:


User Login Report

  • Login in to miniOrange PAM dashboard.
  • On the upper right corner click on Switch to Audit Dashboard.
  • Under Reports sidebar, click User Login Report.
  • Privileged Access Management Admin Handbook: Click on the Switch to Audit Dashboard button. Under Reports, click on User Login Report

The User Login Report table displays various user login-related activities, including login success, login failure, and logout success. Users have the option to sort data based on columns such as Email, IP/Host, User Agent, Status, and Datetime.

Each column in the table represents specific information about user activity, including:

  • Email: The email address of the user involved in the activity.
  • IP/Host: Displays the IP address or hostname associated with the action.
  • User Agent: Provides information about the platform from which the user accessed the PAM dashboard.
  • Datetime: Shows the timestamp of the activity.

Administrators can utilize the search functionality to find information about specific users. They also have the option to add filters to refine their search results.

Privileged Access Management Admin Handbook: To find specific users, administrator can utilize the search functionality

An icon for adding/removing columns is located on the right side.

Privileged Access Management Admin Handbook: Locate the icon for adding/removing column

For advanced search click on the icon beside customize column.

Privileged Access Management Admin Handbook: For Advanced search, click on icon

To search for specific end user activity, follow these steps:

  1. Enter the end user's email address and select the desired start and end dates. By default, the dates are set to the current dates. To modify the time period, click on the Dates option.
  2. On the left side of the screen, select a time period from the available options.
  3. Click on the Apply button to apply the selected time period.
  4. Enter the end user's email address in the designated input field.

  5. Privileged Access Management Admin Handbook: Specific end user activity, folloe the below steps

  6. Finally, click on the Search button to initiate the search and retrieve the relevant information.

  7. Privileged Access Management Admin Handbook: Click on Search button to retrieve the appropriate information