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User Roles

Manage User Roles

  • The miniOrange PAM solution provides two default roles - Customeradmin and Enduser
  • We also provide the feature to create custom roles with selected capabilities.
  • Admin or Additional admin whos has the capability to add role and edit capabilities.
  • After logging in, you will be able to see a dropdown menu names “Users” in the left sidebar
  • Privileged Access Management Admin Handbook: Navigate to Users

  • Click on “Users” -> “Users Roles” -> the dashboard area will change and roles will be visible in the rendered table
  • Privileged Access Management Admin Handbook: Under Users, click on Users Roles

  • The table contains information about each role which constitutes its “Role Name”, “Display Name”, “ID”, “Total Users”
  • To create new role -> Click on “Add Role” button at the top right corner as shown below.
  • Privileged Access Management Admin Handbook: Click on Add Role button to create a new role

  • The above action will prompt for the “Role Name” and “Display Name” and “inherit capabilities from”of the new role. Enter the data, select the role from which you want to inherit capabilities then click on Next button.
  • Privileged Access Management Admin Handbook: Inherit capabilities and click Next

  • All the capabilities will then be visible on the Capabilities page.
  • Click on checkboxes to select or deselect capabilities.
  • Clear all will deselect all the capabilities for the selected option.
  • Select all will select all the capabilities for the selected option.
  • Reset to default will reset the capabilities to the previous saved state.
  • You can search for specific capability from search bar.
  • Privileged Access Management Admin Handbook: Search Capabilities and click on Add Role button

  • Click on Add Role to create the role with selected capabilities.
  • The new role will be displayed in the User Roles table
  • Edit User Role -> Click on the three dot icon under action column for the required role, this will open a dropdown menu -> click on edit button -> this will prompt the user to change the “Role Name” and “Display Name” as shown below
  • Privileged Access Management Admin Handbook: Edit User Role

  • Click on the Submit button after editing the fields prompted in the window box.
  • You can only edit the “Display Name” of default roles.
  • Edit user Capabilities -> Click on the three dot icon under action column for the required role, this will open a dropdown menu -> click on edit capabilities button -> this will open edit capabilities page.
  • Privileged Access Management Admin Handbook: Edit user capabilities, under action click on three dot icon

  • Edit the capabilities and click on Save button.
  • Delete User Roles -> To delete a single role, click on the 3 dots icon under the action menu -> click on Delete -> the role will be deleted as shown below
  • Privileged Access Management Admin Handbook: If you want to delete a single role, under action, click on three dot icon and click delete

  • To delete multiple roles, select the checkboxes of the required roles -> on the top right side of the roles table we can see a dropdown menu with the “delete” option selected followed by a blue apply button as shown below
  • Privileged Access Management Admin Handbook: If you want to delete the multiple roles, select the checkbox of required roles

  • Click on the apply button -> all the selected roles will be deleted and the users associated deleted roles will be allotted the default “Enduser” role
  • You cannot delete the default roles.